Dietary Supplement News (DSN) Mission: To provide consumers a personal opinion, and those in the dietary supplement industry with authoritive personal experience, as well as cutting-edge information on the newest products and theories in the marketplace. In keeping with the mission, DSN seeks expertly written, authoritative, articles composed in various languages that is easy to understand and appealing to consumers at any level. Articles are subject to rejection or editing.
Please DO NOT Submit:
Feature articles written using the first person “I”
Recycled term papers
Previously published articles
Academic, scientific, or theoretical dissertations
Articles lacking proper citation and references when appropriate (Chicago/APA style preferred)
Nutrabytes Feature Articles: Approximately 500-750 words with proper citations within the text and matching list of references at the end of the article when appropriate. Chicago/APA style preferred.
Alternative Therapies: Approximately 400-750 word profile of a proven alternative therapy that exists on the edge of mainstream treatment
First Person: Approximately 500-750 word article written in the first person about a personal experience with dietary supplements that has affected you positively or negatively
Letters to the Editor: 300 words and under pertaining to an article appearing within the last six months of most recent issue.
Note: Before submitting an article of column to DSN, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the style and content of the online magazine by visiting the archives. Review submissions require a sample or review copy that is not returned; it’s either kept by reviewer or dispersed for a charity item giveaway.
All articles submitted to DSN must adhere to the following criteria:
Submitted via e-mail as a word (.doc) to adriennemazzone@gmail.com (SUBJECT LINE: Article Submittal for possible print)
Please submit a one-page outline of article idea to the editor before submitting entire feature. Also include links to social media, Linkedin, website, and anything pertaining.
No more than 750 words in length.
Author bio of 3-4 sentences should be included as well as a .jpg headshot of author. The bio is the only place in the article where promotional material may be referenced.
Be well-researched and include multi-source reference list with corresponding Chicago/APA citation within the text if addressing a medical issue. If you have a question concerning the proper referencing of a source, whether it be a web site or printed material, please contact the editor.
Deadlines are rolling due to the online nature of the magazine and new material is added frequently.