According to this glossary article by the University of Florida, “Banning books in general also has negative health effects. As a high percentage of banned books focus on marginalized populations, people belonging to those groups experience negative mental health and psychological effects as it furthers stigma against them. LGBTQ youth feeling isolated and without social support are more likely to consider or attempt suicide (The Trevor Project), ” you can read in full here: AND please visit and get involved with BANNED AIDE powered by Stonewall National Museum, Archives & Library.

“When government decides what we can read, what we can know, what we can share we can be sure nothing good can come of it. That is why the Stonewall National Museum, Archives, & Library is an essential brick in rebuilding our nation’s democracy ensuring equality and justice for all people, especially the marginalized.”
~ Robert Kesten, Executive Director, Stonewall National Museum