Altitude Water


The supplements market is full of medications and treatments for sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction (ED) and vaginal pain. However, nature has provided us with a solution many people ignore- adequate hydration, and the purer the water the better you will be. 

Keeping yourself hydrated has numerous health benefits in general, but when it comes to sexuality, water allows both men and women to better enjoy themselves while ensuring the body is operating at peak efficiency. 


For women, hydration, as stated by The Cleveland Clinic is one of the best tools for combatting the urinary tract infections (UTIs) they are more prone to due to the length of the urethra. Additionally, according to Stony Brook Medicine, hydration fights vaginal dryness and even yeast infections!

For men, Medical News Today has reported that proper hydration affects erectile dysfunction (ED). Dehydration reduces blood volume and negatively affects mood, both of which hinder enjoyable intimacy. 

Hydration should be easy- however, many of our favorite sources are actually contaminated. Tap water and bottles expose your body to high levels of PFAS and microplastics and there is a question as to whether or not the water actually gets absorbed by your cells. Studies have also revealed that microplastics are being found in male testicles for the first time ever (experts believe they could damage male fertility and sperm quality). 

Additionally, these chemicals and plastic particles are being found in human placentas, meaning babies are being born exposed to dangerous plastics before they’ve even had a chance to live. A doctor on the The Mel Robbins Podcast recently discussed the evils of plastic bottles and what the recent data and studies are showing.

The best water by far to hydrate with, for both days and ‘nights’, is purified, drinkable water produced by an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG). These machines, which pull water from humidity in the air, create ready-to-drink water that is free from pollutants and chemicals found in most traditional water sources. 

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