Tag Archives: utensils

Lift Your Food Down!

Dieting is… HARD! by Shauna Dolan

You sit down with your family at dinner time, with not so healthy dinner favorites and your only thought is: “I am going to have a rough workout ahead of me after I eat all of this food.”

Well, now that thought doesn’t have to taunt you as you try to enjoy a family dinner.  With the Knife and Fork Lift eating utensils, eating doesn’t have to be a battle.

The Knife and Fork Lift utensils weigh 1.5 Ibs each and act as a dumbbell while you’re eating. You can eat and have a reminder that whatever you put in, you will need to put out.

Lifting food will be like doing bicep curls so you will be gaining strength and be reminded of your dieting and fitness goals.

Just don’t use them on your glass tabletop!  And, don’t drop your forklift.