During this pandemic, many of us have thought about what we would do if there was an emergency at our home. Let’s face it, this is scary, yet there’s a way to deal effectively to protect ourselves and our family. Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Emergency Info Plan solves such concerns in a way that no other company has done. It simply turns your iPhone or Android into a life-saving alert device using Apple’s Emergency SOS and Medical ID and EIP’s free official Android Emergency app that works on all androids. When you alert 911 using the phone, emergency contacts are also notified by text message with your location. This brings peace of mind to families that are often separated by states.
The Emergency Alert Sticker. It Can Save Your Life.Learn how to use your smartphone as a life saving device so you or others can alert your emergency contacts and access your Medical ID in an emergency.sticker.emergencyinfoplan.com
SafeZone wristbands (www.safezone.ai) measures changes in body temperature, blood oxygen levels and heart rate in real time… updating every 10 minutes… looking for early viral warning signs and symptoms (ranging from the common cold to the flu to Covid). The goal is to detect changes so subtle, that the band sends an alert in real time- via an app- before any physical symptoms of illness are felt. These bands can also anonymously link with other users to create contact tracing grids; groundbreaking technology that guarantees fierce health data privacy protections/protocols.
Say Goodbye to Sunburn And, Hello to a Cool New, All-Natural Sunburn Remedy (https://wildorganicskincare.com/product/the-original-sunburn-soap/) Don’t you wish you could just wash away your sunburn? Because, it’s not getting the sunburn that hurts the worst, it’s the shower you have to take after. Right? It can make your skin feel on fire! But seriously, Sun damage is dangerous, cumulative and difficult to reverse. That’s why The Original Sunburn Soap is made with Aloe Vera, Honey, Coconut Milk, Marshmallow Root, Witch Hazel, Rice Bran Oil, and Peppermint Oil. Perfect for gently exfoliating dead skin and healing sunburn at the same time. Turning what used to be the worst part of getting burned into the most beneficial.
First Honey has a new way to treat those boo boo’s! Layer up with medical grade Manuka honey, an FDA-cleared, and certified by an accredited laboratory for the purest and safest experience possible! The First Honey family of essentials are stocked in over 10,000 retail doors nationwide including Walmart, Sprouts and Walgreens, and includes: Manuka Bandages, Manuka Honey Ointment, Manuka Honey Cream!
Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.