Tag Archives: Abella

DON’T FORGET THE TOOTH FAIRY…Add to Santa Clause table with Cookies & Milk

What will you leave the Tooth Fairy?

Yes, the holidays are here and we are all eating foods we don’t normally eat…it might help to keep healthy eating in mind if you leave out something healthy for the Tooth Fairy too!

Let’s not forget about that adorable Abella who is greeting kids in the mornings by leaving gifts under their pillows after going through the experience of loosing a tooth!

Let’s make sure Abella is fully fueled with healthy food so she can keep waving that magic wand and helping kids have that toothless smile knowing that another is coming in!

DietarySupplementNews.com wants to know what will be on the table next to Santa’s cookies and milk…Tweet it, Insta & Facebook it and tag #WorldsFirstToothFairy #Abella&HerWand with your Tooth Fairy offerings!

Eat Healthy for that next tooth!

About The Author Zane Carson Carruth

Author, The World’s First Tooth Fairy Ever & Abella & Her Magic Wand

Zane Carson Carruth owns Carson Marketing, LLC , a Houston-based, full-service marketing company that provides integrated marketing solutions for businesses. She also owns Etiquette to Excel and is a certified business etiquette and protocol professional.

The author recently completed her second book  featuring Abella and Darcie titled The Adventures of Abella and Her Magic Wand.  The little fairies receive their magic  wands and have many fun and mischievous escapades as they learn  to use them. This book is  filled with adventure and energy as only these 2 little fairies can deliver.  Available at River Oaks Bookstore, Amazon and on her site https://www.worldsfirsttoothfairy.com/.

The third book in the trademarked series is well underway; The Legend Begins.  The demand for tooth fairy visits has become too  much for little Abella. She quickly realizes she needs to start a “tooth fairy school” to train all the other fairies the tooth fairy rules and etiquette.  Coming the spring of 2020…and there’s more…stay tuned for a children’s Television series!