Tag Archives: DietarySupplementNews.com

Repair Your Skin!

Desert Harvest Releveum
Desert Harvest Releveum

Reapply every 3 hours! Aloe Vera contains antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral compounds that may help with wound infections and stimulate collagen synthesis for quicker skin regeneration. AND contains vitamins C and E, plus the mineral zinc which supports healthy tissue development, wounds and may aid in preventing scarring and discoloration of tissue. Use it!

To Releveum!

Lets go to FIJI!

Fiji Joe Turmeric

Fiji Joe Turmeric boosts antioxidants with fresh organic turmeric with high curcumin levels to boost your overall health and wellbeing-Cool stuff! From clearing pimples, slowing breast cancer, reducing the risk of Alzheimers and speeding up workout recovery with powerful anti-inflammatory effects Fiji offers that turmeric ingredient. The whole root approach where the soil it grows in is tested to make sure there’s no lead contamination. This certified organic turmeric has major benefits for your body and brain.


Good with Capatriti!

Capatriti Olive Oil
Capatriti Olive Oil

Capatriti, Honest Olive Oil, their Extra Virgin and 100% Pure Olive Oils are unadulterated – meaning they’re entirely authentic and lack any fillers or additives – delizioso!
Capatriti has 40 years with their Extra Virgin Olive Oil that boasts a full-bodied flavor, is cold-pressed using olives, and is perfect for dips, dressings, and light sautéing. 100% Pure Olive Oil offers milder flavor with a soft golden color, suggested for use when sautéing, grilling, baking and frying.

To The Olive Oil! Click


Let’s stick ’em on!

The Patch Brand
The Patch Brand

Patch in!  Energy, Stress, Focus, Immunity or get your sleep by way of adhesive that is soluble! The Patches are vegan, gluten free, soy free, shellfish free, no artificial coloring, no artificial flavoring, and have a much longer shelf life than standard supplements. This means that you get all wellness and no additives–you’ll never know it’s there!

Patch Me!
