Tag Archives: ilyse schapiro

It’s the Scoop!

Something about this book makes me want a bagel…and yes, tossing that extra dough!  Should I Scoop Out My Bagel?  hits on topics of why we can sometimes struggle with our weight, eating habbits and other areas that believe it or not – are all connected.  Think of a question and chances are that this 247 page book will have some answers.  An informative collaborate effort by registered dietitian Ilyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN and health industry expert, Hallie Rich.

The sources are listed and gives exact links to the sites, and one of our favorites as you’ve seen this thousands of times in your lifetime…Should I blot my pizza?  That really hit a soft spot!  Flip to page 46 as this is a popular one as well…glad they mentioned Uber too!  There just so many tips intertwined with common questions, it’s a brilliant add to your recipe, health, diet library.
