Stabilize nutrition bars prove to be a delicious snack!
Finding a tasty snack or protein meal replacement can be challenging. Having multi flavor is always something to take into consideration; All Dark Chocolate: Coconut Cashew, Thin Mint Cookie, Peanut Butter Cup, Hazelnut all great for a quick grab and go.
The key ingredients are Whey Protein, Nut Butter, Fiber, Agave syrup and vitamins and minerals. for info or to order. These nutrition bars are both Certified Gluten-Free and Certified Kosher.
Minerals: The Forgotten Nutrient by Joy Stephenson uses great key topics discussing why minerals are truly the route for us to go to stay healthy.
Stephenson goes into depth talking about how we need to stay on top of our health. In the book, there are fourteen top minerals that we need to maintain in our body on a daily basis. Some of these include Potassium, Chromium, Sodium, Magnesium and a plethora of other useful nutrients. It is a splendid resource in providing recommended daily intakes to get you started on your journey. It is supported with well cited references that the author had compiled for the book.

This is a great book to use in discussing the importance of minerals and how they will help if you may have any chronic illness, injury or perhaps emotional health. It goes into great detail into what the average person needs to take for minerals and why you should take them. Stephenson goes on and finishes the book with why a routine doctor testing for minerals might be a good enough. It is an excellent way to convey what you should and should not due in the future when it comes to testing for minerals and what your next step should be.
reviewed by Amber Kelley
How powering up with the right foods slim you down for that perfect bikini body:
It’s a common misperception that you have to eat less to lose weight. In fact, eating fewer meals lowers your metabolism and makes it hard to get those last few pounds off
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To rev up your metabolism and burn fat, it’s best to eat 5-6 meals a day consisting of 20-25 grams of lean protein, 20-25 grams of simple carbs such as those found in non-root vegetables such as asparagus, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, watercress, eggplant, and lettuce. Good fats like olive oil, coconut oil are calorie-dense and should be used sparingly. ~
Dr. Mylaine Riobe, Author of The Tao of Integrative Medicine and The Answer to Cancer
Need a boost to start the day? Here’s something you can count on Daily! The Alkamind Daily Greens contain 27 nutrient-dense, alkaline superfoods that alkalize, detoxify, and energize your body.
Both rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants – or use these anytime to get a boost of energy throughout the day.

These packets are fast-absorbing alkaline minerals that are needed to neutralize the acids and toxins in your body.
Could this be used in conjunction with a detox or cleanse of your body…worth looking into!
If you want to get into the ‘Daily’ greens, head over to
Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.