The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oil Handbook for Everyday Wellness by Nerys Purchon and Lora Cantele immediately sparked my interest as I use essential oils occasionally. My experience with essential oils at best was limited; using lavender in baths and lemon oil for cleaning. Today, with the help of this handbook I would consider my knowledge and application of essential oils in daily life to be above average.

This is a book you will want to break the sticky notes out for because it is chock-full of important properties, remedies and everyday care. My top bookmarked pages, which are now worn and torn is the treatment for headaches, immune system boosters and the hot and cold footbath. The most valuable part about having a collection of essential oils and a handbook as detailed as The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oil Handbook is that ailments are never planned, and having the correct tools, supplies and knowledge on hand will serve to be as useful as it is reassuring.
Written by Sirena Mazzone
Many Americans find themselves obsessing over the same questions: “What are vitamins? What vitamins should I be taking? How much of this vitamin do I need?” Although our bodies require them, the accepted connotation of vitamins are that they are healthy and therefore cannot be taken incorrectly or in excess.

In “Vitamania”, Catherine Price does the leg work and unveils the myths and misunderstandings behind vitamins, their possible danger and a straightforward path to follow to a healthy, balanced self.

Catherine Price
Catherine touches many topics including but not limited to children’s vitamins, prenatal vitamin use, regulation within vitamin production, and the tools needed to approach diet supplements with a critical eye.
Written by Sirena Mazzone
As an Italian, I can never get enough olive oil. So when I sat down with “The Best Natural Homemade Soaps” by Mar Gòmez and discovered my love of olive oil could reach beyond culinary experiences I was very excited to pick it up and get my hands dirty (or should I say clean!). Opening with an interesting history of soap, and leading to the needed utensils, I was pleasantly surprised that I already had everything required in my kitchen.

In terms of scent, my favorite recipe I made was the Lemon Soap; nothing wakes you up in the morning like the invigorating smell of lemons. As someone who struggles with oily skin, the Lemon Soap leaves my skin with a squeaky clean feeling but doesn’t dry my skin out. Another favorite is the Chamomile Soap, not only for myself but for my hairless dog, Zero as well. The perfect night soap; Roman chamomile infusion peeking through hints of ylang-ylang essential oil will relax your senses and calm your skin. The Best Natural Homemade Soaps takes the guesswork and label reading out of soaps and allows you to experiment and make a soap tailored to your skincare.
Written by Sirena Mazzone
Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.