Tag Archives: 2-day cleanse

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s SUPERFOOD!

Take charge, take a quiz, count calories, buy a juicer!

Do it all with The 2-Day Superfood Cleanse book by Robin Westen.  There’s healthy recipes inside that are easy, quick prep time and a step program to positive thinking as well as suggestions like; Keep A Journal, Temptations, Meditation and many more common sense topics.

Use this book as a handbook and with a pinch of discovery and a dash of willpower, you’ll be on your way to healthier and happier living.

Make a plan, with the help of Robin Westen and keep on track with your plan and if you go off the rails a bit, it’s okay, don’t panic, embrace where you are with your plans.  Then try flipping through The 2-Day Superfood Cleanse and maybe flip over to page 119 and do as Ben Franklin did, rise early and start a new day; healthy, wealthy and wise!