It’s good to have some essentials for staying healthy as part of a plan!
The New York Times No. 1 bestseller, “The Daniel Plan,” is co-authored by Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Mark Hyman and details a healthy lifestyle program based on five essential principles of food, fitness, focus, faith and friends.

The program was developed and originated at Warren’s Saddleback Church in 2011 and within the first year more than 15,000 church members collectively lost more than 250,000 pounds while experiencing decreases in health issues and stress and increases in spiritual growth and energy.
The Daniel Plan is not a diet, but rather a new way to live. As a companion to the book, the authors joined with The Daniel Plan Signature Chefs, Sally Cameron, Jenny Ross and Robert Sturm to release “The Daniel Plan Cookbook,” which provides delicious, healthy recipes that are packed with benefits for one’s body.
Written by Kristin U. Cole