Gluten-ury Century

I can’t think of a nicer way to walk in the door from work and the aroma of a crock pot meal not only filling the house, but it’s healthy and ready to eat!  This kitchen gem is filled with 6 hour and 8 hour cook plans for the crock, so weekend or not, you can find something in Judith Finlayson’s “The Healthy Slow Cooker” second edition. 

It’s packed with easy to read and follow recipes, color images, detailed descriptions and an added plus are “Mindful Morsels” which are some suggestions of what to add.  There’s also over 135 Gluten-Free recipes and then some recipes that have a Vegan Alternative.  Just flip through, pick something and you’ll enjoy creating your healthy meal and find yourself learning about what you are eating in the Natural Wonders section.

Enhance The Flavor!

1649 to present day, they have to be doing something right…quality!

Brew it slow, might just be the key to these healthy and delicious products; Marukan Soy Dressing, Rice Vinegar & Sudachi Marinade that enhance so many meals we eat.

Whether it’s Chicken, Fish, Beef or your salad, the fine authentic rice vinegar enhances the natural flavors. Most stores that carry these delicious dressings and marinades will have it in a specialty Asian Food Section or wherever fine vinegars are sold, so be on the look out.

You should also know that when you visit their website;, you can see their long history of events such as becoming certified Organic, Non-GMO verified and yes, Kosher Certified. They also provide some very healthy recipes.

It’s fit for the Imperial Palace, I’m sure your home will enjoy it to!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s SUPERFOOD!

Take charge, take a quiz, count calories, buy a juicer!

Do it all with The 2-Day Superfood Cleanse book by Robin Westen.  There’s healthy recipes inside that are easy, quick prep time and a step program to positive thinking as well as suggestions like; Keep A Journal, Temptations, Meditation and many more common sense topics.

Use this book as a handbook and with a pinch of discovery and a dash of willpower, you’ll be on your way to healthier and happier living.

Make a plan, with the help of Robin Westen and keep on track with your plan and if you go off the rails a bit, it’s okay, don’t panic, embrace where you are with your plans.  Then try flipping through The 2-Day Superfood Cleanse and maybe flip over to page 119 and do as Ben Franklin did, rise early and start a new day; healthy, wealthy and wise!