Rule #1, consult your MOBB pages of amazing history, images that pull you in and make you feel like “family!”
The book is that good…we’ll be sharing many stories, so grab your own and check back! https://ourmobb.com/
Rule #1, consult your MOBB pages of amazing history, images that pull you in and make you feel like “family!”
The book is that good…we’ll be sharing many stories, so grab your own and check back! https://ourmobb.com/
Truly helpful to eat right during holidays…and this will help!
Going through Menopause is not an easy part of life, but there’s great resources like “Weight Loss Plan for Menopause” by Yara Green!
It’s a cookbook and informative handbook in one – that you’ll feel relieved to stay ahead of symptoms that shouldn’t change the course of your day!
The book has definitions that some might already be familiar with, otherwise a great learning tool.
Think of your family and friends and pop on BN to order!
A plant-based diet, can you imagine how good you will feel? It’s real and it’s here for you thanks to GWEN KENNEALLY. A true inspiration from Lentils to Zucchini, Gazpacho to Asparagus…The Plantastic Cookbook is right in tune with our rapidly changing world yearning for sustainablility and accountability.
A wonderful tasty gift or for your cookbook collection to break out and plan easy to follow delicious meals!
Do not, I repeat, do not forget Papa’s Chocolate Avocado Pudding…this is a invite your friends over and enjoy!
Today’s on the go world, here’s a great low calorie, protein, tasty and convenient way of keeping your energy going! A great idea to keep these in your pantry…grab and meat stick go! To Bowmar Nutrition, Apex Meat Sticks!
Quick, easy and delicious! A tasty bundle of protein and collagen…and another for the gluten free category! How convenient to have this box in your pantry, ready to go! Check out Bowmar Nutrition!
1) We expect long term results from a short term remedy
These days it can be quite confusing to choose the right weight loss diet. Do you choose keto, paleo, blood type, vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean? With all the nutritional information and a new diet coming out almost every year, how do you know which one is right for you? Right?
Perhaps, this is the wrong question to ask. Rather than asking what is the right diet for you, you may want to ask yourself what can I do to not only lose weight but to keep it off long term?
Diets don’t work. What that means is that the very concept of a diet is that it gives rapid results in a short amount of time. After losing the weight, we gain it right back. That’s something that most of us have experienced multiple times in our lives.
We expect long term results with a short term remedy.
We can’t live on a restrictive diet, no matter what it is, long term. It has nothing to do with our will power. In order to have all the nutrients that the cells of our bodies need to survive, we need variety. We literally are what we eat.
Furthermore, eating IS a sensual and emotional experience. I think God did things right. We need to eat to live, so God made sure we derived joy and pleasure from eating so we could live!
When we use diets as a way to lose weight, we deny all these aspects of ourselves. And the results is that at some point we’ll get bored and rebel.
So in order to lose weight sustainably and permanently and keep our weight stable, we need to look for a long term solution. In other words, we need to learn how create a foundational diet for ourselves.
A foundational diet means, sustainable, daily food choices and habits.
Most of what we know to do in life, we learned how to do it. But when it comes to how we feed ourselves and our lifestyle, we never learned. We adjusted ourselves to a lifestyle, as opposed our lifestyle to ourselves.
Dr. Christopher D. Gardner, director of nutrition studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center who spearheaded a recent study on food and weight loss published in the Journal of American Medical Association, recently said in a New York Times interview that “we really need to focus on that foundational diet, which is more vegetables, more whole foods, less added sugar and less refined grains.”
2) What is Ayurveda?
Here’s where Ayurveda comes in.
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest system of natural health care hailing from India. And it’s got over 5,000 years of proven results.
It literally means the Science of Life: Ayur=life and Veda=science, body of knowledge
Prior to the British colonization of India, it was a complete medical system with fields in surgery, pediatrics, herbal pharmacy and more. During their rule, the British imposed their medical allopathic system and rejected any Indian contributions.
It wasn’t until 30 years after India’s independence that Ayurveda came back in the limelight, especially after igniting interest in the West.
Today it’s especially known for its holistic approach to health with a focus on diet and lifestyle the two cornerstones of health and well-being.
Science is now confirming what Ayurveda has known for thousands of years that the root cause of symptoms and imbalances is a buildup of waste, impurities and toxins due to unwholesome food and lifestyle habits and choices.
When the body is no longer able to properly metabolize or digest what we put in it, this creates waste and it’s the buildup of waste that causes symptoms.
3) What’s an Ayurvedic diet?
An Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle approach focuses on the habits and choices that lead to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellness. It does not focus on dieting.
From an Ayurvedic point of view, a foundational diet needs to focus on two aspects:
1- The quality of foods
2- The digestability of foods
The Quality of Foods.
When it comes to the quality of the foods we eat, Ayurveda looks at both the food we eat and the products we use on our skin and our environment.
Many things affect the quality of food: pesticides, pollution, chemicals, environmental toxins, added and artificial sugar, fats and salt.
We need to eat a variety of fresh, whole, seasonal (eat in harmony with nature) and organic or local foods that are nutrient rich.
The Digestability of Foods
As important as the quality of foods is our ability to digest them. We can eat great foods and still feel bloated and have gas.
How well we digest our foods affects whether or not our bodies are able to properly eliminate waste and toxins.
Some examples of symptoms linked to faulty digestion are: digestive issues, weight gain, abdominal fat, allergies, fatigue and PMS.
Therefore, we want to support our body’s metabolic function.
Here are 3 ways that Ayurveda helps us do that
4) 3 ways Ayurveda helps you lose weight effortlessly and permanently
1- Eating until 75% full.
I always give this visual of a washing machine. For clean clothes, you want to fill half of the washing machine with clothes, 25% with water and detergent and the rest you want to leave empty for the clothes to move. It’s the same for your stomach.
Also, when you want to eat quietly and consciously, so you’ll be able to notice the body’s satiation signals. Ayurvedic practitioner Myra Lewin says: “Overeating in any one sitting weakens your digestive fire, dulls your mind, and creates an accumulation of metabolic toxins or Ama in your body”
2- Eating the right foods for you.
In every other aspect of our lives, we recognize our differences except with foods. We all want to eat what we want to eat! Yet it’s obvious that we all digest different foods differently. When we’re younger our bodies haven’t accumulated a lot of stress yet, therefore, they have more endurance. But eating the wrong foods for us will catch up with us as we grow older and more toxic.
Dr. Marc Halpern, founder of the California College of Ayurveda says, “Nothing is right for everyone and everything is right for someone”
Ayurveda with its unique mind-body constitutional approach helps you recognize what foods you digest best or how to digest the foods you want to eat properly.
3- Addressing the factors that affect digestion
Our lifestyle also affects how we digest the foods we eat, especially factors like sleep, stress and exercise. The long term quality of our sleep, how well we recover from stressful situations and how we move our bodies daily affect all of our body’s metabolic functions not just our digestion and whether our body will store the energy we take in as fat or use it as energy.
In my online Ayurvedic weight loss group coaching program, 12 Weeks to a Lighter You, I help women lose weight sustainably and permanently. In this program they learn and implement diet and lifestyle strategies based on the wisdom and principles of Ayurveda, I discuss in this article. It’s a holistic and long term approach to weight loss, health and wellness. Find out more at laurecarter.com/onlinecoachingprogram
Freedom In Your Relationship With Food, Myra Lewin
Healing Your Life, Dr. Marc Halpern
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By Nicole Avena, PhD
Bouncing back from the holidays and into a healthy eating and exercise routine is always easier said than done. What’s also easier is falling back into old habits, especially around the holidays.
On the bright side, getting back on track doesn’t have to be difficult. However, you may feel discouraged if you try to go back to your usual routine all at once. Instead, it’s better to wean yourself off the sugar and ease yourself back into an exercise routine.
Getting back in shape
Even for someone who is in shape, taking just a week off of exercise can decrease your fitness. Thus, jumping right back into your usual routine can feel difficult or be tough on your body, potentially causing injury or a lot of soreness at the very least. Remember that getting back in shape won’t happen in just one day.
Instead of hitting the treadmill and running until you can’t anymore, or struggling to lift heavy weights, take it slow! For example, take a few extra minutes to warm up–stretch, walk on the treadmill, or do a light jog. If weights are more your thing, start with something lighter than you’re used to, and do extra reps rather than bumping up the weight.
Some other post-holiday sweat session examples include: a home workout, a gentle yoga class, keep it short (30 minutes or less), and walk as much as possible (around the neighborhood, at work, in town, etc).
Saying No to Sugar
Good news: you don’t have to quit sugar cold turkey! In fact, cutting out sugar all together might make you more likely to indulge in unhealthy eating habits, such as bingeing. Instead, you want to wean off sugar for the best results. Here’s what you should do:
Sugary Swaps
Finding yummy alternatives to your favorite treats will be a huge help when it comes to kicking sugar to the curb. Here are some ideas to start implementing when thinking of reaching for one of your holiday favorites:
Candy canes → Peppermint tea
Chocolate or fudge → 1 – 2 oz of dark chocolate, preferably 70% cacao or higher
Cookies → Chopped apple with cinnamon and raisins
Candies → Grapes (fresh or frozen)
Hot chocolate → Make your own with 1 cup hot water, 1 tbsp cacao, ¼ tsp vanilla
extract, and 2 tsp maple syrup
Alcohol → Fruity, herbal tea or seltzer with lime
Dr. Nicole Avena is Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Visiting Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton University. She is a research neuroscientist and expert in the fields of nutrition, diet and addiction, with a special focus on nutrition during early life and pregnancy. Her research achievements have been honored by awards from several groups including the New York Academy of Sciences, the American Psychological Association, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dr. Avena has written several books, including Why Diets Fail, What to Eat When You’re Pregnant and What to Feed Your Baby and Toddler. She regularly appears as a science expert on the Dr. Oz Show, Good Day NY, and The Doctors, as well as many other news programs. Her work has been featured in Bloomberg Business Week, Time Magazine for Kids, The New York Times, Shape, Men’s Health, Details, and many other periodicals. Dr. Avena is a member of the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau. She has the #2 most watched TED-ED Health talk, How Sugar Affects Your Brain.
Dr. Avena blogs for Psychology Today. You can also follow her on Twitter or Facebook and Instagram, and at www.drnicoleavena.com.
Everyday Enzymes are an all-natural supplement designed to help your body digest and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. It supports the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This supplement can help not only with digestive issues (acid reflux, nausea, gas, etc.) but it can also boost the immune system, metabolism, and improve overall health.Everyday Enzymes may be given to young children, pets and it may even be taken during pregnancy / lactation. (In fact, expectant mothers find it helps with nausea!)
Digestive Enzymes Will Help You:
We live in a quick-fix, medicine-hungry nation….but medicine is not always the answer! Our body can heal itself if given the chance and this drug-free, all-natural supplement will allow you to do that.
Many people suffer from minor (or major) stomach issues (like gas, bloating, acid reflux) and while taking an antacid may provide relief…it is merely helping the symptoms, not the problem. Everyday Enzymes get to the root of the problem and have been proven to be extremely effective in getting people off pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs for digestive issues.
A healthy stomach often benefits many other areas of health. Even if you don’t have stomach problems, these supplements can help boost your immune system, fight fatigue, and even help with anxiety.
“It’s amazing to see people get off pharmaceutical drugs in an all-natural way. This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It’s never too late to change how you feel.”
– Liz Cruz M.D.
In order for your body to benefit from what you eat, you need digestive enzymes to break down the food. Proteins need to be broken down into amino acids; fats need to be broken down into fatty acids and cholesterol; and carbohydrates need to be broken down into simple sugars. At birth we are given a certain potential for manufacturing enzymes in our body, creating an enzyme “reserve.” However, if we do not continually replenish that reserve through proper nutrition, it runs out. Enzyme deficiency can cause digestive issues, a weakened immune system, fatigue, acne, eczema, headaches, mood swings, joint pain.
//www.drlizcruz.comDr. Liz Cruz is a gastroenterologist, an author, and (most importantly) a parent of 4 children. She is the creator of Everyday Enzymes, as well as a variety of other wellness products designed to promote all-natural, holistic wellness. Cruz’s products have received critical acclaim and are widely praised for effectively reducing the need for prescription medicine. Cruz is a Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Gastroenterology. She is a member of the American Gastroenterological Association and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
For More Information Visit: