Category Archives: Diet

T Genix – Let’s get it on!

T Genix is a blend of 7 herbal ingredients that help promote a healthy and active lifestyle, and normal testosterone levels. Men want to stay active and keep their muscle mass-and even increase it.   Men want to transform their bodies, and reinvigorate their lives.  Now, they don’t have to let age, diet, and stress stand in the way.

Be active and don’t let anything get in your way…and now thanks to T Genix, you can have that extra drive you need. gives this product two thumbs up!

150-200 Best!

Got that right!  Each book offers INCREDIBLE récipes!

150 Best Recipes for Cooking in Foil – Ovens, BBQ, Camping by Marilyn Haugen.  This recipe book can really pin point some deliciously flavored meals.  Wrap that foil and let the natural juices flow!  If you are a meat lover…if you are an egg eater…if you are strictly veggies…wrap it! There’s tips & ideas, and something for anytime of the day!  


150 Best Meals in a Jar – Salads, Soups, Rice Bowls & More by Tanya Linton.  You know you always wanted to jar your own…well now is your chance with this fabulous recipe book!  From assembly, to do’s and don’t’s, to easy quick meals that you might not of ever thought of putting in a jar!


200 Best Smoothie Bowl Recipes by Alison Lewis.  When’s the last time you filled a bowl with food joy? You can and with awesome ideas.  Some you may have to blend up a little, but it’s worth it! There’s GREEN, there’s BEAUTY and there’s SMOOTHIES!  A delicious treat for your appetite!


200 Best Sheet Pan Meals by Camilla V. Saulsbury.  You certainly had me at Page 23!  The images match the recipes, so beware, you’ll find yourself running to get more baking pans! Truly a no fuss solution to wonderful easy meals  Another great recipe book add to the kitchen counter!


100 Favs!

Everything about this recipe book is smart! The way it’s catered to the many people that have food allergies, diseases or ulcers is just well needed in today’s world!

Baking for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a great gift or treat for yourself in case you need some ideas…there’s 100 for you!

Love the egg-free pictures on some of the recipes.  There’s also tips and suggestions, you know this is put together by someone that truly enjoys people eating happily!


It’s the Scoop!

Something about this book makes me want a bagel…and yes, tossing that extra dough!  Should I Scoop Out My Bagel?  hits on topics of why we can sometimes struggle with our weight, eating habbits and other areas that believe it or not – are all connected.  Think of a question and chances are that this 247 page book will have some answers.  An informative collaborate effort by registered dietitian Ilyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN and health industry expert, Hallie Rich.

The sources are listed and gives exact links to the sites, and one of our favorites as you’ve seen this thousands of times in your lifetime…Should I blot my pizza?  That really hit a soft spot!  Flip to page 46 as this is a popular one as well…glad they mentioned Uber too!  There just so many tips intertwined with common questions, it’s a brilliant add to your recipe, health, diet library.





Bones to Order!

Did you really think that one day you’d be receiving bones in a bag?

chickenkit_web porkkit_web beefkit_web1

Well these are some real healthy approved and recommended by the Paleo, Primal, Wahls, GAPS, AIP, 21DSD and Whole30 bone broth diets!

  • Give your body and bones the minerals (calcium, magnesium, etc.) it needs for vibrant health
  • Absorb the most bioavailable nutrients in whole food, rather than synthetic, form
  • Improve your digestive issues (IBS, colitis, Chrohn’s disease, etc.) and functions
  • Upgrade your skin, hair and nails (broth contains hyaluronic acid, silicon, proline, collagen)
  • Accelerate wound healing from injury and recovery time from exercise (broth contains glycine)
  • Help your joints (broth contains chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans)
  • Build up your blood quality and prevent anemia (broth contains glycine)
  • Decrease symptoms of arthritis and musculoskeletal pain (broth contains gelatin, cartilage)
  • Increase your liver detoxification pathways (broth contains glycine)

It’s Simple–just add that sea salt and when you are ready to try it!  And be prepared to be hungry with the aroma in your house for at least a full day!

  1. Put 4 quarts water into a 5-quart capacity crockpot or slow cooker.
  2. Add in BIY Bone Broth Kit ingredients.
  3. um… empty the bag of seasoning?
  4. Cook on low for 15-18 hours.
  5. Let cool before placing in any containers (glass is always best!)

If your body needs some extra TLC, then BIY!

A Healthy Alliance! has the honor of sharing, Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, Director of Women’s Heart Health at the Heart and Vascular Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York and a cofounder of the Global Nutrition and Health Alliance (GNHA) mission statements.

As a co-founder of the Global Nutrition and Health Alliance (GNHA), Suzanne Steinbaum,  educates people around the world about optimal nutrition being incredibly important. Steinbaum encourages people to get as much of their nutrients as possible from foods. But the reality is, it is more difficult than you think to consume enough through diet alone.

According to a study conducted by the GNHA, many adults may be overestimating how healthy their diets are and should consider supplementation. The survey of 3,000 American, British and German adults found that 72 percent reported having a “healthy” diet and more than half believed they consume all the key nutrients needed through food sources alone. However, the prevalence of chronic diseases in these countries suggests respondents may be overestimating how healthy their diets are. In terms of Omega-3 and Vitamin D, the survey also found that less than a third of those polled were actively taking a supplement.

A diet rich in important nutrients, like Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D, is key to having a healthy heart and well-functioning cells throughout your body. Supplements aren’t a replacement for a healthy diet, but they can be important to bridge the gaps in your diet.

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Global Nutrition & Health Alliance

The Global Nutrition & Health Alliance is a global, multi-disciplinary group of physicians and nutrition experts working together to educate the public and professionals about optimal nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle, including the contribution and interpretation of realistic and science-based recommendations on the appropriate use of vitamins and mineral supplements.

The Global Nutrition & Health Alliance is supported by an unrestricted grant from RB. For more details on the GNHA, visit

Guilt-free UnDiet

Maintaining a healthy and tasty diet can seem like a struggle at times, but luckily “The UnDiet Cookbook” has found the secret ingredients to balance this recipe.  This book is filled with different meal options, drinks, sauces, and even deserts to leave you satisfied with savory tastes and non-existent food guilt.

Many people associate the word “diet” as a negative, but the “undiet” aspect frees you from all of that lack of enthusiasm. Surrounded by fast food chains, constant unhealthy quick fixes, and lack of experience in the kitchen can discourage people. This book helps abolish eating norms we think we should abide by in our everyday lives. The number one person of importance in your life is yourself, its vital you feed yourself the right fuel in the right ways. The 130 gluten-free, dairy free, and in many cases vegan free recipes help, promote, and even encourage a healthier lifestyle.


According to nutritionist Megan Telpner , she says it IS possible to feel your best while eating appetizing food.  The book is structured with a breakdown of the ingredients to use, prep, cook time, serving size, and even a tasteful picture to give you an idea of the finished product. Megan Telpner does a great job by simplifying these intimidating steps to a successful diet.

Written by Tylar Feller

Paleo & Vegetarian: The Perfect Pair

Are you looking to eat healthy, lose weight, regain self-confidence, and boost your energy levels? The Paleo Vegetarian Diet is ready to help!

The Paleo Vegetarian Diet is the ultimate guide to healthy eating and changing one’s lifestyle, featuring tips to mastering the diet with a twist. No rice, no dairy, no soy, no beans, no alcohol, and NO MEAT. But how can this be since the Paleo diet centers around eating meats like our ancestors did while Vegetarian diets center around eating dairy and soy products?

Author, 20 year vegetarian, and avid marathon runner Dena Harris creates a collision between the differing diets making them one. What makes her diet recipes special is that they are are vegetarian recipes that implement Paleo tactics without the meat.


The book even features a ‘Dining Out’ section listing foods that are okay to eat and foods one should avoid at culturally different restaurants and popular restaurant chains including Taco Bell, Chipotle, and McDonalds.

“For anyone who has struggled with food. I hope this book makes it an ally versus an enemy,” said Harris.

Written by EmmaJean Livingston

Love Your Liver!

One of the hardest working organs in the human body is the liver, so it should go without saying that everyone has their liver’s best interests in mind. But in the case that you don’t, or you’re just looking for some more guidance, The Liver Healing Diet offers plenty.

Dr. Michelle Lai and Asha R. Kasaraneni team up to answer the questions: what does the liver do, what happens when it can’t do what it’s supposed to, and how can you help your liver do everything it needs to do? According to them, “the liver performs more than 500 vital functions”. Buckle up. It’s a long ride that’s worth taking.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the liver and its many functions complete with helpful diagrams and labels for those who haven’t taken a biology class since high school. It also identifies the most common health issues that plague the liver and how those illnesses present as symptoms (your body’s way of sending red flags).


The second part of the book delves into creating a lifestyle that is beneficial to both the liver and overall health. Step by step, Dr. Lai and Kasaraneni discuss detoxification, diet, and exercise. They even answer some of life’s biggest mysteries, as they explain how to read food labels and just what all those vitamins and minerals really do for you.

The manual of healthy liver comes with a collection of recipes that promote a healthy lifestyle. No meal or food group is left untouched and full recipes for every time of day are included.
“In essence, your liver is a processing plant, storage facility, filtering station, and productive factory, all rolled into one,” write Lai and Kasaraneni. It’s high time we all start treating the liver like the powerhouse it truly is.

Written by Taylor Gulotta

Living the Mediterranean Diet Lifestyle

Inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, Living the Mediterranean Diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating and the healthy way of life that you have always wanted.

Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, strokes risks, and much more thanks to its plant-based foods which improves fiber intake and boosts the quality of life.

With the healthy, creative recipes from Portland, Oregon, authors Nick Nigro and Bay Ewald, with the collaboration of award-winning and nutrition specialist, Rea Frey, you’ll enjoy foods full of cheerful colors and rich aromas such as Chicken Sausage Barley Risotto with Rapini and Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Peppered Swordfish with Warm Chive-Garlic Sauce, Spearmint-Pistachio Gelato, and more.

For decades, people have tried to lose weight by doing extreme diets that are not good for our bodies, but the Mediterranean diet goes beyond the boring calorie-counting. Living the Mediterranean Diet will teach you that everything it’s about being active and in balance. It’s about food making you healthy and happy.

“It is not a ‘diet’ in a traditional sense, but a lifestyle,” explains Nigro and Ewald. “It revolves around healthier, sustainable principles of eating and living.”


For more information, visit their website:

Don’t miss their unique recipes and follow them on:




Written by Iciar Bercian