What do you know about taking care of your most precious asset—your eyes?  Dietary Supplement News said it has an insightful way to find out your “Eye Q.”   

Did you know age- related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness for people over 55, affecting between 25-30 million people worldwide? 

Epidemiological studies show people with diets rich in lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids have lower risks of developing AMD. 

Dr. Eli Fischer(www.dr-fischer.com), an eye care world authority and developer of countless eyesight protection products, has created the world’s first Eye Q Test.

“Because most people know more about dental than eye care, I created this test and it’s one of the reasons I wrote this book (http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/04304.htm),” he said.    

So how many questions can you answer correctly?  If more than eight, congratulations, you have a high Eye Q.    

1. What is inflammation of the eyelids called?
A. Conjunctivitis
B. Dacryocystitis
C. Blepharitis 

2. True/False: If conjunctivitis appears in newborn infants, treatment should be sought immediately as their vision could be at risk. 

3. True/False: Dry eyes often accompany blepharitis. 

4. True/False: You can catch a cold through your eyes. 

5. True/False: There are three main layers that make the tear film: mucin, aqueous, and lipids. 

6.  Will your vision last for the rest of your life?
A. No
B. Yes, if treated
C. Maybe, if daily eye care is practiced 

7. Daily use of eye care wipes…
A. Refreshes the eyes
B. Prevents debris from the eyelids to enter the eye
C. Cures eyelid diseases
D. Both A & B
E All of the above 

8. Are there special eye care wipes for babies?
A. No
B. Yes
C. You should only use eye drops
D. One can use adult wipes 

9. What is important when choosing eye care wipes?
A. Non- irritating to eyes (tearless)
B. Preservative free
C. Based on artificial tears (eye drops)
D. Clinically tested
E. All of the above 

10. Preventive eye medicine
A. Should be practiced daily
B. Should be practiced weekly
C. Is important
D. Is not necessary
E. Both A & C 


1: C 2: TRUE 3: TRUE 4: TRUE 5: TRUE 6: C 7: D 8: B 9: E 10: E

Parents Will Want This Tattoo!

Parents would be startled to hear that over 2000 U.S. children get lost every day and that 90% of families will experience losing a child in a public place. Whether it be an amusement park, a school field trip, or just a day running errands, taking our children along can often be a stressful experience for many parents. It is no surprise that our children’s safety is a top priority, however, it becomes difficult when surrounding environments may come between you and your child, literally.

SafetyTat® is a company that has decided to tap into the market of preventing children from getting lost. The company was started by a graphic designer and mother of three, who first came up with the idea when on a family vacation to an amusement park. A family of five vs. a crowd of thousands is a daunting ratio—so she decided to write her cell phone number on each child’s arm with a ballpoint pen. A little tweaking of this concept and SafetyTat was created.

The “Original” Safety Tat was an online-customized temporary tattoo that lasted for 1-3 days. The most recent addition to the line is the QuickStick Write-on Tattoos, which come blank for parent’s discretion and can last up to two weeks. Both products are made with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved material called, Tateck and leave the parents in charge of what the tattoo will say. Depending on the scenario and the child, parents can mark the tattoos with emergency phone numbers, the child’s allergies, medical conditions, etc. These simple descriptions may be the safety net that many parents often need during hectic times.

While many parents are weary to admit the need for emergency items such as SafetyTat, we can all agree that if preventative measures are available for our children’s safety, it is best to take all of them when we can.

Written by Rachel Almeida

A Little LoSalt With Your Pepper!

With nearly 1 in 3 adults diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is more than ever that American’s need to start making healthier decisions in order to lower high blood pressure. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and The American Heart Association call it the “silent killer.” 5 ways Americans can decrease high blood pressure are: Have blood pressure checked routinely, eat out less, Learn to say “no” to overeating and other activities that heighten blood pressure, get more potassium, and use LoSalt for home cooking.

LoSalt created the low sodium salt market and has been in the lead ever since it launched in 1984. While providing a healthier alternative to traditional salt, a reduced sodium salt that contains 66% less sodium has been effective to lower high blood pressure. LoSalt blends two natural mineral salts that satisfies the taste buds with the same traditional salty flavor. So, the next time you want to cook your family a traditional Italian dinner, or if you’re having a huge cookout, choose smart and healthy and go with LoSalt and watch risky high blood pressure decrease! 

Written by Shauna Dolan

Ideal Diet!

Everyone that’s dieting, looks for a weight loss method that focuses on their health as well.

A concept that teaches people proper portion control and smart snack choices is Ideal.

A weight program with your health that offers a simple solution to weight loss goals. The structured weight loss plan includes healthy meal options, while providing an understanding of how food affects the body, how it is utilized by the body, and how it causes fat storage.

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method keeps you on-track by including a support system with weekly one-on-one coaching and guidance.  The personalized approach apparently helps set realistic goals, which is what we all hope for, that clients not only improve their figure, but their health as a whole.

The program was introduced by CaloSpa, an independent authorized clinic carrying The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method.

A method that is adapting a healthier diet as a whole has been a tried and true method, which is why Plastic Surgeon Dr. Bradley Calobrace is incorporating the Ideal Protein weight loss program into his practice.  Check it out, could be the Ideal eating venue for you.

Slimmer, Trimmer

Seems like we’re all looking for that tasty diet to help keep weight off and that has a balance of nutrition. Whether to incorporate into other recipes from other sources or to use as your daily cooking reference, the new Mediterranean Diet could be right for you.

Keeping slim and eating properly is a common challenge for many.  Utilizing some of the natural approach diets, such as recipes in www.TheSlimmerBook.com could have a positive effect on other health issues you may be having.  Even a chance to decrease that stubborn extra weight, these recipes are easy to make with most ingredients available at almost any grocery store.

The Mediterranean recipes in this book use  Greek cuisine to reduce both fat and health issues, while filling plates.  SLIMMER designs a simple nutrition plan: a delicious, low-fat Mediterranean diet with revolutionary, fat-burning ingredients coupled with the self-awareness to combat the triggers that contribute to weight gain.

Greek author Harry Papas established his own successful Health and Diet Centre in Athens. He incorporated his successful nutrition program into a book to help as many people as possible. The New England Journal of Medicine agrees with Papas’ diet. In its Feb. 25th, 2013 study titled: Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet, the NEJM confirmed this is the best, life-long, satisfying way to eat to be healthy and fit.

Iceland Glacier Water SNO™ Gets DSN’s Highest Rating

If nitrates are one supplement you’d rather do without in your drinking water, consider licking a 20,000-year-old Icelandic glacier for the ultimate pure water.

Actually, you don’t have to go all the way to Iceland to lick a glacier.  One is coming soon to a neighborhood supermarket near you.  It’s in a gorgeous bottle and it’s called SNO™ Iceland Glacier Water, which is fast coming the most talked about premium bottled water to hit the International bottled water market.

While it is crucially important to your health to drink lots of water, Dietary Supplement News along with a growing number of nutritionists, scientists and environmentalists are noticing that most bottled spring water contains rising levels of nitrates.  That’s not good.

Unique Product Attributes

The water ‘SNO™’ is different. Vastly different!  It doesn’t come from below ground like spring water.  It comes from on high, from a 20,000-year old legendary Icelandic Glacier and therefore contains zero nitrates.  Let me repeat that: ZERO NITRATES!  In short, it’s the cleanest, purest drinking water from a pristine source and an unpolluted, pre-historic time.  Currently it’s sold in the UK and places like Dubai and at some of the finest hotels and restaurants in Europe; also at fine stores like Harrods and some luxurious hotel spas in the U.S.

Naturally FREE of NITRATE 0

Being a Glacier Water sourced from above the ground, SNO therefore can not be contaminated by fertilizer run-off from farm-land into underground aquifers contaminating the water source. Hence the zero Nitrates.  There is evidence that High Nitrate concentrations in infants can be deadly and may cause what’s known as Blue Baby Syndrome.   Here is an analysis of minerals and other substances in SNO, and probably the most important one is zero nitrates.

Analysis: mg/l
TDS 52
pH factor 7.4
Sodium (Na+) 7.2
Calcium (Ca) 3.7
Chlorides (Cl-) 4.4
Bicarbonate 42
Magnesium (Mg) 2.9
Nitrate (NO3) 0
Potassium (K) 1.4
Silica (Si) 10.7
Sulphates 1.4
Hardness 7.03

After taking a hard look at SNO™, DSN has determined it is a 100% natural, unaltered, glacier water deserving of its highest G4 rating for the following unique features:

  •  Sno is the only 100% glacier water on the market fromIceland
  • It has unique health benefits
  • Its pH 7.4 (natural) Nitrate FREE (very rare) TDS 52 (neutral)
  • It is a “Structured” water, high in Oxygen, safe for infants,
  • It is sustainable, green, CarbonNeutral®.
  • It comes in PET and GLASS: Still and Sparkling (glass only)
  • It’s considered the best water available anywhere in the world, yet affordable

Unique Product Attributes

Sno Iceland Glacier Water has an ideal pH for the human body 7.4 and has the natural, near-perfect, body-neutral pH level ? which is 7.4 ? to help the body reach and maintain a state of equilibrium (a neutral pH).

Drinking SNO™ regularly will help assist the body to function correctly and reduce the risk of diseases that can be brought about by an unbalanced pH level

Naturally high in oxygen content

SNO is proven to have high oxygen content (13.3 mg/L with DO of 111.1% at 7.8°C). That means it quickly adds extra oxygen to the blood. Drinking SNO™ can be an effective way to increase the body’s oxygenation to help achieve:

  • stronger immune system,
  • greater mental awareness
  • more complete detoxification

SNO™ is a “Structured” water; not a ‘manufactured water’ or municipal water that has undergone excessive treatments of purification. SNO™ is naturally filtered through layers of volcanic lava rock, giving it the purity, natural balance and crisp clean refreshing taste that Nature intended. Once you have experienced SNO you will realize why preserving our environment should be so important to us all.

Since the distributors of SNO expect it to be on the supermarket shelves in the U.S. by Christmas, you might then sing a new version of that holiday classic, Let It SNO:

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful,

And since we’ve no place to go,

Let’s drink SNO, let’s drink SNO, let’s drink SNO!

by Tom Madden 

For more information about SNO, contact Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x210 or [email protected].


Enjoy Soy!

If your snacking downfall is that you usually reach for calorie-laden convenience foods or don’t have healthful treats readily available, there’s good news as well as good eating in your future.  Love Your Health® brand SoyMix is as convenient as it is craveable, and just may become your new favorite snack. At only 120 calories per serving, it offers 7 grams of protein and only 40 mg of sodium, with no cholesterol or trans fats.

You can feel good about indulging your cravings for Love Your Health® SoyMix, because it’s filled with healthful ingredients. The mix starts with a trio of soynut varieties—all-natural, premium quality soynuts that have been dry-roasted using a proprietary technique. You’ll love the combination of lightly sea-salted soynuts, dark chocolate-covered soynuts and honey-toasted soynuts, blended with U.S.-grown pumpkin seeds and Sweet n’ Juicy dried cranberries. While SoyMix is a satisfying solo snack, you can also pair it with fresh fruit or soy yogurt. Keep it on hand for grab-and-go treats for the whole family. SoyMix also serves as a natural choice for an easy and memorable party snack. Serve it alone, or with a cheese plate.

To order online or for more product information about Love Your Health® SoyMix, visit loveyourhealth.info.

Lift Your Food Down!

Dieting is… HARD! by Shauna Dolan

You sit down with your family at dinner time, with not so healthy dinner favorites and your only thought is: “I am going to have a rough workout ahead of me after I eat all of this food.”

Well, now that thought doesn’t have to taunt you as you try to enjoy a family dinner.  With the Knife and Fork Lift eating utensils, eating doesn’t have to be a battle.

The Knife and Fork Lift utensils weigh 1.5 Ibs each and act as a dumbbell while you’re eating. You can eat and have a reminder that whatever you put in, you will need to put out.

Lifting food will be like doing bicep curls so you will be gaining strength and be reminded of your dieting and fitness goals.

Just don’t use them on your glass tabletop!  And, don’t drop your forklift.

Getting Pregnant, Processed Foods, Environmental Toxins…Oh My!

Could it be that women today are having a harder time getting pregnant because of environmental toxins or consumption of processed foods?

Recognized expert on women’s health and the Executive Director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Victoria Maizes, M.D. offers an integrative and hands-on approach to getting pregnant, having a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy child.

BE FRUITFUL: The Essential Guide to Maximizing Fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child


The Essential Guide To Maximizing Fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child
by Victoria Maizes, M.D.

Women today may have a harder time getting pregnant than ever before. This could be because women are now waiting longer to have children; or it could be a result of the increase in environmental toxins, consumption of processed foods, celiac disease, and obesity, not to mention the constant pressure of the always-on digital world in which we live. In all likelihood, women are struggling to conceive due to the confluence of all of these factors.

With BE FRUITFUL: The Essential Guide to Maximizing Fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child, nationally-recognized expert on women¡¦s health and the Executive Director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Victoria Maizes, M.D. offers an integrative and hands-on approach to getting pregnant, having a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy child.

Dr. Maizes specialty has been audiences on integrative medical education, women’s health, healthy aging, nutrition, and cancer.  Some simple ways to increase fertility tips; Age Matters, Don’t Stop Eating Fish, Ditch the Junk Food, Take Folic Acid,  Exercise, but not TOO much, Make your home green, Be particular about containers and STAY CALM are all a part of Dr. Maizes education.

Victoria Maizes, M.D., is executive director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and a professor of medicine, family medicine, and public health at the University of Arizona. An internationally recognized leader in integrative medicine, Dr. Maizes lectures worldwide to academic and community audiences on women¡¦s health, aging, nutrition, and cancer. The co-editor of Integrative Women’s Health, the 2012 Oxford University Press textbook, she was named one of the world’s intelligent optimists in 2009.


This Milk Has Muscle!

Truly an amazing tasting protein shake, with fewer calories than most.   Muscle Milk® and Muscle Milk® Light with a Peach Mango flavor ready-to-drink bottles is a great workout recovery drink.  A naturally flavored and sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and cane sugar drink that’s earned Ready-to-Drink Beverage of the Year by bodybuilding.com, Best Functional Beverage and Beverage of the Year by BevNet and Company of the Year by Beverage Forum, presented by Beverage Marketing Corporation and Beverage World.

Muscle Milk Light Peach Mango contains 20g of premium protein, 7g of fiber and is lactose and gluten free. With only 190 calories and 4.5 g of fat, the protein-enhanced beverage helps promote sustained energy, lean muscle growth and recovery from exercise.  It also makes a great on-the-go snack or meal replacement for health-conscious consumers who are trying to balance an active lifestyle.

“We receive a lot of great feedback about our Muscle Milk Light beverages because they appeal to consumers who still want an amazing protein shake with fewer calories,” said CytoSport Chief Marketing Officer Nikki Brown.  “We’re excited to provide a naturally-flavored option for our consumers to incorporate into their post-workout recovery or daily snack routines.”

Muscle Milk seems to be life’s balance for an active lifestyle.

Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.