Get Chipped!

OK – someone stop me!  These are just too good…the NEW Chocolate Brownie and Salted Caramel Ice Chips Candy from Ice Chips.

If you have these, you will eat these.  Simple as that!

The combination is delicious! Chocolate Brownie and Salted Caramel flavors that will delight your taste buds… without the sugar rush! Made with xylitol — safe for diabetics, Ice Chips Candy has outdone themselves with the delicious new flavors…a guilt-free treat that everyone can enjoy. For the holidays and beyond, Ice Chips Candy make an excellent stocking stuffer but I’d be sure and deliver these babies well into February for Valentine’s Day!

St. Patrick’s Day I’m sure would love the combo too…so let’s just say ANYDAY!

Ice Chips are a delicious, all-natural and sugar-free candy that is made with Certified Organic Natural Flavors and Birchwood Xylitolprovides oral health benefits. In addition to the two new flavors, Ice Chips are available in over 20 additional delicious flavors, such as Lemon, Root Beer Float, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Sour Cherry, Strawberry Daiquiri, and more! Ice Chips Candy are Vegan, and do not contain Corn, Sugar, Soy, Wheat, Gluten or Dairy. Kosher (All flavors except Clove, Ginger & Menthol Eucalyptus).

Led Her Wean!

The Parent’s Guide to Baby-Led Weaning includes all the knowledge every parent should know about the importance of feeding their baby real food that is rich in nutrients and will ultimately help develop a healthy relationship with food from a young age.  This book is easy to read and includes a variety of delicious recipes that you can make at home. It’s the perfect read for someone that is looking to transition and would love to know more in-depth information about the benefits of real food and how to prevent the actual risks that many parents worry about when starting to feed their baby real food. There are tons of great topics, strategies, and advice for every parent.

Reviewed by: Sara Arbelaez

Vitamin K2 4U!

There are two forms of vitamin K—K1 and K2. K1 is an important dietary form of vitamin K that’s found in green, leafy vegetables and some vegetable oils. Carlson Labs has found an answer to that “gap” in our food.  Vitamin K2 is found in fewer food sources. Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is an enhanced, bioactive form of vitamin K that has superior retention in the body.

Without vitamin K2, calcium can’t adequately be processed in our body to help maintain strong, healthy bones. Vitamin K2 activates certain proteins, including osteocalcin and Matrix GLA Protein (MGP), which play a role in binding calcium to the bone matrix.

Vitamin K2 also supports cardiovascular system health by promoting healthy blood clotting and directing calcium out of the bloodstream and arteries and into the bones.

Here’s a few links if you’d like to boost up your “K”: 120 Size:

For more information, please visit

Green Goo 4U!

Green Goo is more than a product, it’s a community!  They have a responsible and dedicated give-back model that every product produced should have.  This brilliant woman-owned, family-operated business based out of Lyons, Colorado brings “farm to farm-acy” by carefully selecting only the purest, most sustainable herbs and essential oils.
Their products range from skin repairing salves to nourishing lip balms, softening bath soaps and so much more.  The soap really leaves you feeling good and creates an experience knowing that money is immediately going to a cause!

Rosemary & Lavender Essential Oils — As you may know, Rosemary has natural antiseptic properties, with nutrients that help protect skin cells from damage. Lavender soothes itchy, dry, sensitive, inflamed skin, while helping the body’s healing process.  This powerful combination provides immediate relief for eczema symptoms.

Their products were used to help heal at the Hargeisa Orphan Center in Somalia, to provide 600+ patients with pre-medical care in Honduras, as well as many other worthy causes worldwide. Some of the organizations they’ve partnered with are: World Vision, Mercy in Action, Mandela Foundation, Snowball Express, Summit for Soldiers, the Pacific Crest Trail, and John Hopkins, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Green Goo also partnered with Keep a Breast Foundation and Non-toxic revolution Donating $.05 per each sale – so get soaped up!

Venom Good!

There is a new over-the-counter analgesic product called Venodol that will make your life and aches better. This awesome product is a topical roll-on cream created to supply long-lasting relief from chronic pain related (inflammation including joint pain, tendinitis, arthritis and body aches). After using Venodol, you’ll feel like new.

Venodol is very easy to use, is non-addictive and is scent free. Also, the product does not use other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, naproxen sodium or ibuprofen, and does not have acetaminophen.

When we heard that the active component in Venodol is cobra venom, we immediately thought of the fierce venom devouring pain! Cobra venom contains many small proteins that apply analgesic and immune-modulating activity. Even though it is thought that these proteins control the immune system to control the body’s response to injury.

Apply affected areas 3 to 4 times every day, relief from chronic pain should be accomplished within two weeks. Venodol gets the job done.

Visit for more information.

Reviewed by Joey Argenziano

Nourishing Biologicals

Nourishing Biological products have changed the faces of many people struggling with damaged skin and wrinkles with age. Not only does it work as a rejuvinating treatment but also works to repair tough scars. These products include key ingredients that help both men and women who are looking to look better and feel better. The facial Serum and the eye cream work perfectly together to give you a great results of youthful looking skin. It generates new skin cells, repairs damanged skin, and thickens the skin in order to protect it from damaging factors. These creams also work to reduce dark circles and inflammation that will help you feel younger and give your skin a healthier look. The products make you feel comfortable in your own skin and bring phenomenal results to any client. Below are images of a customer who used Nourishing Biologicals to deal with tough scars and is happy and confident with her results.



Check out the product:

Get Aquafabulous!

This book is great for vegans! It provides more than 100 recipes of how to make vegan dessert, appetizers etc. All of the recipes are egg-free vegan recipes that use aquafaba (Author: Rebecca Coleman) – “bean water.” This book takes you through very helpful tips and techniques when it comes to making these dishes. Some of the delicious recipes within the book are macarons, pulled jackfruit tacos, waffled brownie s’mores and many more!

Review by Jessica Johnson

O What a relief…


This book is a guided program for Gastric Relief. Theres no identifiable cause nor a known cure to these symptoms.But with these series of diet you will be able control and manage the way you feel. It is a step by step program which helps you identify what triggers your symptoms and how to eliminate them. It has delicious recipes and it also give you advice of how to reduce your amount of stress.

Review by Lutcy Vieluf

FODMAP for you!

The Low-FODMAP Solution

Cinizia Cuneo, MSc

With bright and colorful pictures and recipes to match, The Low FODMAP Solution by Ciniza Cuneo makes cooking lively. This book is a key resource for anyone suffering from IBS and abdominal pains. By combining a specific and personalized approach, Ciniza Cuneo’s guide reads like a discussion with a close friend. I really liked the brief explanation of the principles of the LOW FODMAP diet and the weekly chart of exact meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Low FODMAP Solution proves to be a super helpful guide for anyone seeking a healthier life.

Reviewed by Jasmine Lang

Your Endometriosis Diet!

The Endometriosis Health & Diet Program: Get Your Life Back

Dr. Andew S. Cook, MD, FACOG

Danielle Cook, MS, RD, CDE

This all-in-one source on provides extensive information about diagnosis, lifestyle, recipes and treatment for those with endometriosis. The Endometriosis Health & Diet Program: Get Your Life Back book features 4 in-depth and easy to read parts. Dr Andrew S. Cook, MD, FACOG and Danielle Cook, MS, RD, CDE detail a thorough 4 phase dieting system. The charts and guides make this book easy to digest and use in everyday life. With simple and delicious recipes such as “The Bomb” Pancakes and Japanese Sesame Chicken Skewers, this book is a handy necessity for any woman wanting to improve her health.

Reviewed by Jasmine Lang


Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.