Guilt-free UnDiet

Maintaining a healthy and tasty diet can seem like a struggle at times, but luckily “The UnDiet Cookbook” has found the secret ingredients to balance this recipe.  This book is filled with different meal options, drinks, sauces, and even deserts to leave you satisfied with savory tastes and non-existent food guilt.

Many people associate the word “diet” as a negative, but the “undiet” aspect frees you from all of that lack of enthusiasm. Surrounded by fast food chains, constant unhealthy quick fixes, and lack of experience in the kitchen can discourage people. This book helps abolish eating norms we think we should abide by in our everyday lives. The number one person of importance in your life is yourself, its vital you feed yourself the right fuel in the right ways. The 130 gluten-free, dairy free, and in many cases vegan free recipes help, promote, and even encourage a healthier lifestyle.


According to nutritionist Megan Telpner , she says it IS possible to feel your best while eating appetizing food.  The book is structured with a breakdown of the ingredients to use, prep, cook time, serving size, and even a tasteful picture to give you an idea of the finished product. Megan Telpner does a great job by simplifying these intimidating steps to a successful diet.

Written by Tylar Feller

Paleo & Vegetarian: The Perfect Pair

Are you looking to eat healthy, lose weight, regain self-confidence, and boost your energy levels? The Paleo Vegetarian Diet is ready to help!

The Paleo Vegetarian Diet is the ultimate guide to healthy eating and changing one’s lifestyle, featuring tips to mastering the diet with a twist. No rice, no dairy, no soy, no beans, no alcohol, and NO MEAT. But how can this be since the Paleo diet centers around eating meats like our ancestors did while Vegetarian diets center around eating dairy and soy products?

Author, 20 year vegetarian, and avid marathon runner Dena Harris creates a collision between the differing diets making them one. What makes her diet recipes special is that they are are vegetarian recipes that implement Paleo tactics without the meat.


The book even features a ‘Dining Out’ section listing foods that are okay to eat and foods one should avoid at culturally different restaurants and popular restaurant chains including Taco Bell, Chipotle, and McDonalds.

“For anyone who has struggled with food. I hope this book makes it an ally versus an enemy,” said Harris.

Written by EmmaJean Livingston

RX Stylin’!

Who says your pill box should look like everyone else’s? Inspired by Dawn says it shouldn’t! That’s why she created these fun, stylish pill box cases that are sure to match your sense of style. From the kitchen counter of your home to the desk in the office, the Style RX pill box is designed to maintain the portable function of regular pill boxes while adding a stylish and modern twist to them.


After giving birth to her daughter, the founder and CEO of Inspired by Dawn, Dawn Kasper Gibel, decided to focus on motherhood and amongst the chaos of being a businesswoman and mom, she used her creativity to come up with innovative, practical, and simple solutions that everyday busy women could apply to their lives. One of her solutions is the Style RX Box, which is more than just a pretty box! The Style RX Box has a handy insert that can also serve as storage for jewelry and its magnetic closure provides easy and secure storage for your items. Being the right size allows you to plop it in your purse and when it comes time to clean it up, just pull out the removable insert and give it a quick rinse.

Portable, functional, and stylish!

Written by Nadia Caron

Osteobroth: It’s Good To The Bone

Every day there are claims of a new pill, magic elixir or another different trend that will make fat melt off and improve overall health. With the growing rates of obesity and sickness, it is obvious that the claims of these products are nothing more than that; a trend.

How did we detour so far off course? With such a high demand of quick and easy meals due to our hectic and fast-paced lifestyles, we began neglecting our bodies of the essential nutrients they desire.

Osteobroth is THE healthy and convenient alternative from higher-calorie and less beneficial bone broths currently on the market. Innovating how we provide our bodies with the nutrients it craves, Osteobroth provides a modern-day approach with proven health and nutrition benefits. This is not your grandmothers’ chicken soup.

Osteobroth has a great taste that not only makes healthy eating desirable, the convenience and added health benefits place it in a category in itself.

In fact, were so impressed with the convenience, taste and shelf life of Osteobroth, we are awarding it with our highest rating on Dietary Supplement News; 5 stars.

David Crooch is the founder of Osteobroth.
David Crooch is the founder of Osteobroth.

Handmade Oils, Ointments & Creams Oh My!

Why keep buying those expensive designer skin and hair care products when you can use natural ingredients yielding the same results from your own kitchen?

The best natural homemade skin and hair care products gives step-by-step instructions to make 175 formulas to treat all types of skin. These formulas include recipes to oils, ointments, creams, balms, shampoos and more.

Author and triple degree holder Mar Gomez does a wonderful job of catering the ingredients within her skin and hair creations to fit the desired outcome. Each page features a recipe with detailed instructions, tips for premium ingredients and measurements to use, and which skin or hair conditions the product is best used on.

Experiencing unwanted wrinkles, cellulite, acne or damaged hair? Gomez has a recipe for you.

Written by: EmmaJean Livingston

Love Your Liver!

One of the hardest working organs in the human body is the liver, so it should go without saying that everyone has their liver’s best interests in mind. But in the case that you don’t, or you’re just looking for some more guidance, The Liver Healing Diet offers plenty.

Dr. Michelle Lai and Asha R. Kasaraneni team up to answer the questions: what does the liver do, what happens when it can’t do what it’s supposed to, and how can you help your liver do everything it needs to do? According to them, “the liver performs more than 500 vital functions”. Buckle up. It’s a long ride that’s worth taking.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the liver and its many functions complete with helpful diagrams and labels for those who haven’t taken a biology class since high school. It also identifies the most common health issues that plague the liver and how those illnesses present as symptoms (your body’s way of sending red flags).


The second part of the book delves into creating a lifestyle that is beneficial to both the liver and overall health. Step by step, Dr. Lai and Kasaraneni discuss detoxification, diet, and exercise. They even answer some of life’s biggest mysteries, as they explain how to read food labels and just what all those vitamins and minerals really do for you.

The manual of healthy liver comes with a collection of recipes that promote a healthy lifestyle. No meal or food group is left untouched and full recipes for every time of day are included.
“In essence, your liver is a processing plant, storage facility, filtering station, and productive factory, all rolled into one,” write Lai and Kasaraneni. It’s high time we all start treating the liver like the powerhouse it truly is.

Written by Taylor Gulotta

It’s Not a Craze, It’s Crave!

Why settle for protein substitutes like Whey and Soy Protein when you can have real chicken protein with Crave Protein? Crave is like no other because it is high quality protein from actual WHOLE FOOD. It comes in a ready-to-eat powder form so you can get the protein you need in the most efficient and quickest way possible. You might be thinking, “Gross, I don’t want a protein drink that tastes like chicken!”


Well, guess what? It doesn’t! Crave Protein comes in a delicious fruit punch flavor that has no reminisce of chicken whatsoever. In addition to its convenience and great-tasting flavor, Crave Protein RCP (Real Chicken Protein) is free of highly processed isolates, chemicals and common allergens. Crave is also highly bioavailable, a complete amino acid profile and it supports healthy strong muscles. The bottom line is, “If you crave muscle, if you crave strength, if you crave results…Crave Protein!”

We are so glad there is a powdered form of protein that not only tastes great, but is also packed with quality ingredients and supports a healthy life style. Crave Protein is sure to replace other protein competitors that overpromise and under-deliver.

Written by Morgan Nimmons

Living the Mediterranean Diet Lifestyle

Inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, Living the Mediterranean Diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating and the healthy way of life that you have always wanted.

Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, strokes risks, and much more thanks to its plant-based foods which improves fiber intake and boosts the quality of life.

With the healthy, creative recipes from Portland, Oregon, authors Nick Nigro and Bay Ewald, with the collaboration of award-winning and nutrition specialist, Rea Frey, you’ll enjoy foods full of cheerful colors and rich aromas such as Chicken Sausage Barley Risotto with Rapini and Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Peppered Swordfish with Warm Chive-Garlic Sauce, Spearmint-Pistachio Gelato, and more.

For decades, people have tried to lose weight by doing extreme diets that are not good for our bodies, but the Mediterranean diet goes beyond the boring calorie-counting. Living the Mediterranean Diet will teach you that everything it’s about being active and in balance. It’s about food making you healthy and happy.

“It is not a ‘diet’ in a traditional sense, but a lifestyle,” explains Nigro and Ewald. “It revolves around healthier, sustainable principles of eating and living.”


For more information, visit their website:

Don’t miss their unique recipes and follow them on:




Written by Iciar Bercian


What’s your Matrix DNA?

Break out the blender and add some Mushroom Matrix.  These mixes are a pioneering line of mushroom powders that have been known to boost the immune system, relieve stress, increase sexual pleasure, enhance physical performance and make you glow from the inside out.

With 8 varieties that are 100% organic, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO and can be added to any meal or smoothie, it’s a great morning start or boost in the day.

The powder is an antioxidant with vitamin D, amino acids, prebiotics and more.

MM Web Pic

Many mixed blends for each individuals needs.

Soothing Soaps for the Skin and Soul


You will never find another brand of bath care products that provides cleansing for the inner and outer body like Truly You’s Crystal Cleanse Soaps. Each custom handmade soap not only contains pure and therapeutic grade essential oils but each is uniquely encased with a crystal that allows cleansing for the entire body, inside and out. Crystals have become a popular staple in celebrities’ daily beauty routines such as Oprah, Heidi Klum, and Kate Hudson.  Lorena and Diana, owners of Truly You agree that when using their special soaps “you will be seamlessly gifted with more energy and power through the natural crystal properties that are preserved in the soap.” Crystal Cleanse Soaps will exfoliate dead skin and detoxify without removing natural oils. They also contain anti-aging properties from bio resonance and will aid those with acne. Additionally, Crystal Cleanse Soaps harmonize oxygen in blood from anion emission which promotes “clean” energy. Once you finish your soap, you can keep your crystal and use it to decorate your desk or put it in your garden, the possibilities are endless! Crystal Cleanse Soaps incorporate Truly You’s mission to fuse skin and spiritual health while promoting “Spiritual Hygiene.”

Written by Morgan Nimmons

Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.