Category Archives: Drink

Energy, Burn Calories=Celsius!

Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, downing some Celsius before exercise should enhance results in cardio fitness, endurance and body composition, check out the clinical studies for yourself.  If you found a healthy alternative energy drink, that tastes good and makes a difference to drink it before your next exercise–wouldn’t you drink it?

Great flavors, especially the Cola! And if you visit their website, here’s what we found to be wonderful…you can order online and they have a store locator…Enjoy!

Amazing Flavor, Amazing Grass!

Everyone is looking for that Amazing Grass™–guess what,  Amazing Grass™ is avaiable!  Some say it’s the nation’s leading brand of plant-based, certified organic, green whole food supplements.  Tasty, and a hit flavor, Café Mocha.

There is organic caffeine in every serving, as they list in their ingredients, and Amazing Meal Café Mocha is also a protein-packed way to get an all-natural, plant-based boost of energy with the decadent flavors of chocolate and coffee.

The Café Mocha is a USDA-certified three-in-one protein and meal supplement offering 100 percent whole food nutrition mixes made with a blend of certified all-organic plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables.

Certified organic, vegan, raw and dairy-, gluten- and soy-free, each serving of Amazing Meal offers 10 grams of complete protein, six grams of soluble and insoluble fiber to help balance blood sugar, improve digestion and promote healthy intestinal flora, and five servings of antioxidant-rich superfoods.

Whaooo, only 90 calories, each serving is also equivalent to five servings of fruits and vegetables, and includes the same protein as three egg whites, all while boosting energy levels and the immune system, and supporting healthy weight management.

An amazing start to your day!

Complete with Komplete!

Many men and women have little time in a work day to prepare a meal let alone take the time to enjoy eating one.  Thankfully, there are healthy alternatives such as meal replacement shakes to keep you full and satisfied through the day. However, with new knowledge about proper nutrition and health side effects of many products previously on the market, men and women everywhere are starting to realize how unhealthy those old meal replacement shakes are. Komplete, the ultimate meal replacement shakes, has changed the game! Komplete is the world’s first soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, ready-to-drink meal replacement shake.

Kate Farms spent over two years creating the revolutionary product that is dairy-free for those people that might be lactose intolerant; gluten-free for those with wheat allergies or Celiac Disease; soy-free due to recent research that has linked soy to many negative side effects, including impaired cognitive function, increased estrogen in men, and hormonal imbalances in both men and women; and non-GMO for those concerned about harm done to humans, animals, and the environment. Kate Farms incorporates organic ingredients using 21 superfoods allowing consumers to feel good about drinking a meal replacement, and it taste GREAT too! Healthy eating should never be punishment, so drink up! Experience a healthy and Komplete life, with love from the farm to you!

Written by Amanda Taheri

Iceland Glacier Water SNO™ Gets DSN’s Highest Rating

If nitrates are one supplement you’d rather do without in your drinking water, consider licking a 20,000-year-old Icelandic glacier for the ultimate pure water.

Actually, you don’t have to go all the way to Iceland to lick a glacier.  One is coming soon to a neighborhood supermarket near you.  It’s in a gorgeous bottle and it’s called SNO™ Iceland Glacier Water, which is fast coming the most talked about premium bottled water to hit the International bottled water market.

While it is crucially important to your health to drink lots of water, Dietary Supplement News along with a growing number of nutritionists, scientists and environmentalists are noticing that most bottled spring water contains rising levels of nitrates.  That’s not good.

Unique Product Attributes

The water ‘SNO™’ is different. Vastly different!  It doesn’t come from below ground like spring water.  It comes from on high, from a 20,000-year old legendary Icelandic Glacier and therefore contains zero nitrates.  Let me repeat that: ZERO NITRATES!  In short, it’s the cleanest, purest drinking water from a pristine source and an unpolluted, pre-historic time.  Currently it’s sold in the UK and places like Dubai and at some of the finest hotels and restaurants in Europe; also at fine stores like Harrods and some luxurious hotel spas in the U.S.

Naturally FREE of NITRATE 0

Being a Glacier Water sourced from above the ground, SNO therefore can not be contaminated by fertilizer run-off from farm-land into underground aquifers contaminating the water source. Hence the zero Nitrates.  There is evidence that High Nitrate concentrations in infants can be deadly and may cause what’s known as Blue Baby Syndrome.   Here is an analysis of minerals and other substances in SNO, and probably the most important one is zero nitrates.

Analysis: mg/l
TDS 52
pH factor 7.4
Sodium (Na+) 7.2
Calcium (Ca) 3.7
Chlorides (Cl-) 4.4
Bicarbonate 42
Magnesium (Mg) 2.9
Nitrate (NO3) 0
Potassium (K) 1.4
Silica (Si) 10.7
Sulphates 1.4
Hardness 7.03

After taking a hard look at SNO™, DSN has determined it is a 100% natural, unaltered, glacier water deserving of its highest G4 rating for the following unique features:

  •  Sno is the only 100% glacier water on the market fromIceland
  • It has unique health benefits
  • Its pH 7.4 (natural) Nitrate FREE (very rare) TDS 52 (neutral)
  • It is a “Structured” water, high in Oxygen, safe for infants,
  • It is sustainable, green, CarbonNeutral®.
  • It comes in PET and GLASS: Still and Sparkling (glass only)
  • It’s considered the best water available anywhere in the world, yet affordable

Unique Product Attributes

Sno Iceland Glacier Water has an ideal pH for the human body 7.4 and has the natural, near-perfect, body-neutral pH level ? which is 7.4 ? to help the body reach and maintain a state of equilibrium (a neutral pH).

Drinking SNO™ regularly will help assist the body to function correctly and reduce the risk of diseases that can be brought about by an unbalanced pH level

Naturally high in oxygen content

SNO is proven to have high oxygen content (13.3 mg/L with DO of 111.1% at 7.8°C). That means it quickly adds extra oxygen to the blood. Drinking SNO™ can be an effective way to increase the body’s oxygenation to help achieve:

  • stronger immune system,
  • greater mental awareness
  • more complete detoxification

SNO™ is a “Structured” water; not a ‘manufactured water’ or municipal water that has undergone excessive treatments of purification. SNO™ is naturally filtered through layers of volcanic lava rock, giving it the purity, natural balance and crisp clean refreshing taste that Nature intended. Once you have experienced SNO you will realize why preserving our environment should be so important to us all.

Since the distributors of SNO expect it to be on the supermarket shelves in the U.S. by Christmas, you might then sing a new version of that holiday classic, Let It SNO:

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful,

And since we’ve no place to go,

Let’s drink SNO, let’s drink SNO, let’s drink SNO!

by Tom Madden 

For more information about SNO, contact Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x210 or [email protected].


This Milk Has Muscle!

Truly an amazing tasting protein shake, with fewer calories than most.   Muscle Milk® and Muscle Milk® Light with a Peach Mango flavor ready-to-drink bottles is a great workout recovery drink.  A naturally flavored and sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and cane sugar drink that’s earned Ready-to-Drink Beverage of the Year by, Best Functional Beverage and Beverage of the Year by BevNet and Company of the Year by Beverage Forum, presented by Beverage Marketing Corporation and Beverage World.

Muscle Milk Light Peach Mango contains 20g of premium protein, 7g of fiber and is lactose and gluten free. With only 190 calories and 4.5 g of fat, the protein-enhanced beverage helps promote sustained energy, lean muscle growth and recovery from exercise.  It also makes a great on-the-go snack or meal replacement for health-conscious consumers who are trying to balance an active lifestyle.

“We receive a lot of great feedback about our Muscle Milk Light beverages because they appeal to consumers who still want an amazing protein shake with fewer calories,” said CytoSport Chief Marketing Officer Nikki Brown.  “We’re excited to provide a naturally-flavored option for our consumers to incorporate into their post-workout recovery or daily snack routines.”

Muscle Milk seems to be life’s balance for an active lifestyle.

Juiceateria: A One of a Kind Juice Bar

Juiceateria: A One of a Kind Juice Bar
Written By: Kirsten Filkill

Juiceateria is the newest Juice Bar and Café in Boca Raton! It’s unique, one of a kind atmosphere was created and organized to meet the desires of health conscientious people who want a truly all-natural, dedicated food based juice bar. They offer a variety of recipes free of preservatives, sweeteners, and artificial ingredients that are found in other foods. Today, an individual with an average diet holds 8-10lbs of undigested food and waste in their digestive tract, which then turns into toxins and fat. A person with a healthy diet holds no more than 3lbs of excess food. The current state of the nation’s health is poor leading to obesity at a younger age. The life expectancy has decreased immensely in the last century, due to diseases that were once unknown. These diseases, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease can all be avoided with the practice of a better diet.

Juiceateria offers a multi-day cleanse which allows you to consume about a total of 15lbs of fruits and vegetables that allows your body to detox, reset your system and enrich your skin. Today, food may be more convenient, but the amount of toxins we consume has increased greatly. Juice cleanses allow some of our organs to rest since the juices are easily digested, enabling the toxins to filter through the organs. Juice cleanses have proven themselves as the most effective and the quickest way to detox and improve your immune system.

Drink Your Greens and Naturally Replace Electrolytes by Dr. Donald L. Hayes, D.C.

As a Bikram yoga practitioner, you’re already aware of the many benefits of hot yoga: cardiovascular health, assistance with weight loss, mental focus, strength and conditioning, the list goes on and on! And, let’s not forget that since Bikram yoga is performed in a room with temperature of 105ºF., the profuse sweating helps to detoxify your body, which releases toxins and expels impurities out of your body through your skin.

What you may not know is that during intense sweating, you can also lose a lot of electrolytes and other vital nutrients. It becomes, absolutely imperative that you rehydrate your body and replace those electrolytes to avoid severe dehydration, reduce muscle soreness, aid in recovery time and build lean muscle mass. Most products that claim to rehydrate your body after intense exercise are nothing but sugary “fortified water” and energy drinks. It can be very confusing and nearly impossible to decide what’s best for your body. Most of these types of beverages are loaded with hidden calories, sugars, and artificial flavors and preservatives. Some contain harmful stimulants and are actually dangerous. And while these kinds of drinks may claim to replace electrolytes, they more often do much more harm than good by causing acidosis, a condition where your body becomes heavily acidic from sugar and acid forming foods.

Added Benefits of Bikram Balance

Most have heard that diets high in fruits and vegetables can help lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, arthritis and even wrinkles. As a matter of fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, 8 to 10 servings a day can cut the risk of some cancers in half!  However, with the U.S. government releasing its new dietary recommendations urging us to eat up to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables each and every day, it’s certain many of us are falling short of that goal. Fortunately people today can get the power of “superfood” drink mixes that have the antioxidant protection of 10-15 servings of fruits and vegetables to help fill in their nutritional gaps. Food science has just recently come to realize that there is much more to nutrition than just vitamins and minerals. Indeed, there may be well over 1,000 different plant chemicals, known as Phytochemicals, available in fruits and vegetables that may have a positive metabolic effect! Further study has shown that the fruits and vegetables that come in rich vibrant colors, like tomatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, blueberries and raspberries, are much more potent and beneficial than the pastel colored produce like iceberg lettuce, bananas, celery, corn and potatoes. Furthermore, certain foods may contain greater quantities of antioxidants, fibers, probiotics, and even specific medicinal substances, the latter being especially true of many edible herbs and spices.

Quality Manufacturing Is Most Important   

Quality manufacturers of green food drink mixes take care to preserve the nutrients naturally found in the fruits and vegetables during the various manufacturing processes. Patients should recognize and respect the fact these are natural, certified, organic, whole foods and they are best consumed as close to their natural environmental state as possible with as minimal handling as possible. Always seek to use products that don’t use genetically modified foods or are altered using nanotechnology.  There are many manufacturing challenges that must be addressed. Heating, for example, is a major concern in manufacturing a green food product and for maintaining its bioavailability. The manufacturing challenge is to be able to dehydrate the whole foods to stabilize the product, but not over-dehydrate it which could “cook” the product.  Because of this potential problem, powder drink mixes remain the most widely recommended form of green food supplement by most health care providers. Even with the many challenges of creating high quality green foods, the popularity of these ‘super foods’ continues to increase as patients experience the number of advantages they supply. The biggest reason the green food drink mix market continues to expand is the fact that when you drink one, you actually feel the difference.


The “eat more fruit and vegetable” programs sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, has made some progress, but changing the eating habits of a nation comes very slowly. Today many consumers are finding the benefits of using functional foods such as whole food drink mixes that can be included in the dietary fabric of the busy, modern world. People will only eat what they like, so consuming on a daily basis a good tasting, instant, and healthy super foods drink can help bridge the gap between a poor and an optimal diet.

Thankfully, the Bikram yoga community and many consumers in general have discovered and embraced an alkalizing superfood vitality drink that is made with organic ingredients and can help you replace electrolytes and stay hydrated naturally. In fact read what one Bikram certified teacher since 2005 and one who has been practicing Bikram yoga since 1992 had to say about the Bikram Balance fruit and vegetable vitality drink: “I was looking for a nice supplement to my water as the Emergency product I used to use just tastes too much like aspartic acid and I no longer enjoy the flavor.  Bikram Balance not only has incredibly healthy and natural ingredients, it makes me feel good.  The minty green goodness is very refreshing during class.  I am a very particular person that has been practicing living a very natural and holistic lifestyle for many years now.  I love your Bikram Balance product and can’t wait to use it during our HOT, HOT, HOT, Key West summers as I know it will revitalize and rejuvenate me during class and all day long. Thank you so much for making this.  It is funny, coming across your product as I did makes me further believe, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Thank you for making this product available to me.”

In closing, Bikram Balance is a nutrient dense yoga wellness shake that is essential for every Bikram yoga student and teacher, and non-yoga practitioners as well. Try one before, during, or after your hot yoga class, or first thing in the morning if you don’t practice yoga, to reinvigorate your body and replace or maintain vital nutrients. It’s an easily digestible powder, so it won’t cause cramping, and it will provide you with 15+ servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop!

About Donald L. Hayes:

Donald L. Hayes, DC, is a chiropractor of over 30 years and the author of a number of books including his latest, Alkalize Now.

Celsius® Burns Up to 100 Calories or More Per Serving

Celsius® burns up to 100 calories or more per serving


4th clinical study proves Celsius® burns up to 100 calories or more per serving, but it also burns fat, boosts metabolism, builds muscle and gives cardio benefit.

Most drinks only say what they do for you, but the calorie burning Celsius® continues to back their brand with science. The scientifically-formulated, calorie burning beverage not only burns up to 100 or more calories per can, but enhances the benefits of moderate exercise, according to the latest clinical study, the company announced today.

The Metabolic and Body Composition Laboratory of the Department of Health and Exercise Science at the University of Oklahoma recently announced the results of the 4th scientific study of Celsius® that showed that consumption of Celsius® as a pre-workout beverage resulted in dramatic improvements in the benefits of exercise among a test group of previously sedentary individuals. The first phase of the study showed that drinking a single 12 oz. can of Celsius per day for 10 weeks dramatically improves the benefits of light to moderate exercise. The test subjects consuming Celsius® lost significantly more fat mass and gained more muscle mass than subjects drinking placebo, and significantly improved their cardiovascular endurance during exercise.

“This study suggests the Celsius provides a significant, additive adaption to the benefits of regular exercise,” states Jeffrey R. Stout, Ph.D., who served as the Chief Researcher on the study.” He adds, “Now it can be scientifically supported that, by consuming a pre-workout calorie burning beverage, a person can improve their response to exercise; however, these claims are unique to Celisus®”.

Naturally refreshing Celsius® contains no sugar, no carbs, no preservatives, no high fructose corn syrup, no aspartame and very low sodium. Celsius® is available in five great tasting flavors: Cola, Orange, Wild Berry, Lemon-Lime and Ginger Ale.

Celsius® drinks are powered by Metaboost™, a proprietary blend of ingredients including Green Tea with EGCG, Ginger, Caffeine, Calcium, Chromium, B Vitamins and Vitamin C. Scientifically shown to raise metabolism over a three-hour period, consuming Celsius® results in a sustained calorie burn while keeping you energized.

Find retail suppliers for Celsius in your area by visiting