Lose Fat The Scientific Way!

Are you still not satisfied with your waist size? Have you been cutting back and exercising? Do you want to know the truth why you are not losing body fat? The book “Your Hidden Food Allergies Are Making You Fat” by Rudy Rivera and Roger Davis Deutsch breaks down the scientific reasons why people are not losing belly fat.

After reading this book one will learn why certain foods are making their body react negatively and how the food they are consuming is deteriorating your immune system and liver. So if you want to lose body fat the scientific way and improve your cells and their functioning, read this book and you will become wise about your diet and lifestyle.

Also, look into ALCAT test!

Review Written by Tyler Tipton

Fitness, Top 5

As we’re revamping our workouts to get in last-minute optimal shape or frantically starting our workout plans for summer, everyone’s looking for the best way to get fit before they hit the beach. Seeing results is possible if you create and stick to a healthy plan and get creative in the gym. Below are some fail-proof tips and tricks that will lead you to optimal shape this summer.

You should always do your weight training before doing cardio.  The goal with cardio is to burn fat and the goal for weight training is to build muscle.  If you do cardio first you need to burn off your glycogen (blood sugar) before you burn any fat.  When lifting weights you need your glycogen for energy.  If you lift first, you use up your glycogen so then you can go straight to fat burning. Building muscle also fuels your healthy metabolism, which also burns fat.  Work with your body and it will work with you.

The key to a shapely body is to have muscle and less fat all around – so focus on exercises that tone multiple parts of the body at once. The most efficient way to do this is to you the larger muscle groups like legs, back and chest; then, if you have time, focus on muscles like arms, abs and shoulders.  If you can stand up you have ab muscles you just need to lose the fat in order to see them and when you do chest and back your shoulders and arms will get worked as well.  If you have the time to work every body part, all the better but if you don’t, focus on the larger ones for great results.

Top 5 things to keep in mind when starting a fitness plan

  1. Schedule your workouts for the same time each day. This will turn into a habit which will soon make your workouts automatic.
  2. Until your workouts are a habit, find a training partner or hire a trainer.  Obligation will make you get to the gym when determination fails.
  3. Work out at a place that is convenient.
  4. Make weight training the core of your workouts in order to build a healthy metabolism, strong bones and shapely muscles. If you want a shapely body you must lift weights, bones and tendons have no shape.
  5. Do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or right after your weight training.  After 8 hours of sleep you have little glycogen in your system and after weight training your glycogen has been used for energy.  In both cases your body can burn fat quicker.

“Certified Personal Trainer, Best Selling Author and ISSA Director of Wellness John Rowley

Kathy Gruver and the Magnesium Experience.

I never thought much about magnesium. I certainly had heard of it and knew it was in a lot of great foods and it had awesome benefits for our bodies. But it wasn’t until I did a 4-day nutrition workshop with Dr’s Gaby and Wright that I truly understood what the power of that little mineral was. Jonathan Wright shared that magnesium was his favorite mineral. (I thought, “Who has a favorite mineral?”) I learned that magnesium was good for headaches, muscle aches, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, PMS, sleep issues, mood issues and constipation. That we needed it to absorb calcium and that it helped with heart function. And could maybe fight cancer. Wow. He said, “If it spasms, take magnesium as it relaxes smooth muscle.” You could take magnesium internally through food or a supplement or soak in it in the form of Epsom salts. And after that pitch, I realized that magnesium was my favorite mineral too. Because apparently as a health practitioner I needed one. After that workshop I saw multiple needs for magnesium in my life and took it for menstrual cramps and muscle aches. It became the biggest bottle in my alternative medicine cabinet.

And his words echoed in my head as I proudly explained on radio and TV shows that magnesium was my favorite mineral.

One day during a workout, I reached back to grab my foot and stretch my quads and I felt a stabbing in my back. I actually turned around to see if someone had rushed into the gym and plunged a knife in my back. No one had. I dropped to the floor in a cold sweat and excruciating pain ran through me. I had popped a rib out. A common occurrence for me. I managed to make it home though I couldn’t fasten my seatbelt or drive with my right arm. I made it into the house where I collapsed on the floor and told my husband to retrieve the ice pack…and the magical magnesium (If it spasms take magnesium). I lay on the ice and finally had the strength to sit up and take the elixir, which I knew would stop my muscle spasm. I took 4 giant pills. 1000mg of magnesium. I had never taken that much, but I needed it.

Over a few minutes the muscles in my back relaxed. The spasm stopped and the pain went away. But what I forgot was that magnesium relaxes ALL smooth muscle. So when I found myself dashing to the bathroom I wondered what in the world I had eaten to cause such a reaction. And such a lack of…how shall we say…solidity. Then I remembered magnesium is good for headaches, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, sleep, mood and…CONSTIPATION indigenerics.com/. Ah, the bowel is smooth muscle. Oops. Note to self: 1000mg of magnesium is too much unless I’m constipated. Lesson learned. And though it was an unpleasant day in many ways, magnesium is still my favorite mineral, though in a more conservative dosage. Remember to keep magnesium handy in your alternative medicine cabinet for what ails you.

Written by Kathy Gruver.  Kathy is an award-winning author and the host of the national TV show based on her first book, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet (winner Beverly Hills Book Awards). She has earned her PhD in Natural Health and has authored two books on stress: Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker and, just published, Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques (Winner Indie Excellence Awards, Beverly Hills Book Awards, Finalist for the USA Best Books Award). She has studied mind/body medicine at the famed Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School and pursued further education at The National Institutes of Health. Gruver has been featured as an expert in numerous publications including Glamour, Time, Wall Street Journal, CNN, WebMD, Prevention, Men’s Health, Huffington Post, Yahoo.com, Ladies Home Journal, Massage and Bodyworks Magazine, and Massage Magazine. She has written dozens of health and wellness articles and contributing posts. Dr. Gruver has appeared as a guest expert on over 200 radio and TV shows including NPR, SkyNews London, CBS Radio, and Lifetime Television, and has done over 100 educational lectures around the country. For fun and stress relief Dr. Gruver does flying trapeze and hip hop dance. www.thealternativemedicinecabiner.com

Visit Kathy on social media: www.facebook.com/drkathygruver4healthhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/kathygruver, @klgruver

Let’s Do The Bump!

Is that the baby in your belly or are you feelin’ a kick of Bump Sparkle?!

For all those pregnant mothers to be out there–Let us tell you about Bump Sparkle, the perfect light drink with only 10 calories! This bottle of sweetness is a carbonated flavored water beverage, and is a healthy start for any mother. This beverage contains folic acid, a key ingredient to giving your baby the best start possible, as it ensures healthy growth. There are a variety of flavors offered, but my personal favorite is Lemonade!  As I took my first sip, I noticed that you could really taste the natural lemon flavor. When I put my drink down, I had a warm sense of relief that I was not only quenching my taste buds, but also feeding my child’s health. This is definitely a drink to keep your eye out for.

We forgot to mention it contains the most essential ingredient…LOVE!

Written by Suzanne Polakoff & Laurel Hennessy

Coco Loco!

We all go “loco” for Coco, especially when it gives you energy…naturally!

CocoMadness lets you chew your way to an energy boost.  It’s all-Natural, tastes delicious and provides some vital nutrients.  A real plus is being low in sugar and calories (20 calories per serving – 6 chewables per serving) .

CocoMadness, a Defense Nutrition product, uses premium organic cocoa to create a natural energy boost while delivering metabolic enhancing nutrients and an authentic chocolate taste.  A natural boost of energy with increased muscle and brain functionality.

“We developed CocoMadness to feature cocoa in its purest healthiest form,” says Ori Hofmkeler, Founder of Defense Nutrition and author of “The Warrior Diet”.  “People can try CocoMadness right before they exercise, during a long drive or while studying.  Some people have it as soon as they get up in the morning because it provides an instant, healthy energy boost. It also tastes great.”

So, chew away and get into the madness!

Fuel Up!

Growing up as a dancer, I used to run straight from school to hours of rehearsal and would often just grab what was quick. There may or may not have been a short time period where I skipped multiple dinners each week purely because I didn’t have time. Though I rarely resorted to the fast foods we are so often warned about, my nutrition routine clearly had room for improvement. I wish I could go back in time and give my parents this book!

Are Your Kids Running On Empty? is jam-packed with valuable and interesting information, including everything from how to entice kids to eat their veggies – they’re always veggies, not vegetables – to the science behind everything that makes up what we eat. I particularly liked reading about how different foods fuel different parts of our body, and I know parents will too. I think my favorite part of this book, though, is how it makes these lifestyle changes so appealing and most importantly, attainable. By being so comprehensive, authors Ellen Briggs and Sally Byrd, N.D. do all the hard work and research for you, so you can just focus on implementing the techniques and reaping their rewards.

This awesome book is all about the simple, small steps that end up making a huge difference in how kids feel and perform on the field, on stage, and in the classroom. I promise, your kids will thank you later!

Written by Sydney Juliano

We’ve Found the Solution!

Transforming the teachings he learned under the mentorship of the late Dr. Robert Atkins, Dr. John P. Salerno delivers the traditional Atkins diet in a way that is accessible, adaptable and easy to follow. Salerno’s take on Atkins is perfectly suited for the modern, health conscious reader. Fight Fat With Fat offers a guided step-by-step plan to help you eat well, not only to lose weight—but to feel great, without endlessly counting calories! The book includes simple-ingredient recipes that the whole family can enjoy—no “special” meals—including decadent desserts! The short and to-the-point patient testimonials prove that low-carb, nutritious diets really work!

In The Salerno Solution, Salerno offers a more in-depth guide to nutrition, food, and what our bodies need to remain healthy and fit—for those looking to understand the complexities of how food affects our health and weight. Salerno’s book is informative without sounding like a dull textbook on nutrition. The book is packed with tips not only on how to maintain a healthy weight, but to prevent heart disease, cancer, and stroke with the power of a healthy diet. The extensive glossary lets you flip to the exact passage you want more information on, and provides all of Dr. Salerno’s sources, for further reading.

Dr. John P. Salerno’s books are both essential for anyone looking for “a lifetime of health!”

Written by Amy Coker

Pit Fit!

Love the name!  It suits this free of harmful aluminum and parabens pit paste.  Primal Pit Paste to be exact (www.primalpitpaste.com).  The natural fragrances that makes your armpits smell delicious? Yes, had to say it!  How could I not with these scents; Thyme & Lemongrass, Lavender and Orange Creamsicle.  They do carry unscented, but why would you pass those up.

The ingredients are pretty simple and healthy and include Organic Coconut Oil; Organic, Raw Grade A Shea Butter;  Non-Aluminum Baking Soda and Organic Arrowroot Powder.

Getting out of the pit, they also carry lip balm, body powder and body whip (lotion). Definitely add these to your gift shopping list!

Inside Out!

Clear Skin Detox Diet by Lauren Talbot, CN is put together with great thought and study because of the unique categories she takes into consideration.  A rundown of your “daily routine” is a terrific way to keep track of your skin, but even more important, what to do when you are out and about! There’s many suggestions for ordering at restaurants and alternative suggestions and combinations that will help keep you looking and feeling great from the inside out.

If you decide to give this book a try, thumb over to Chapter 5 on “Supplemental Practices” where she mentions that they are NOT “one size fits all!”  Aligning appropriately is important.  This is a great book for some information you might not have thought of and might just make sense to help you along for better skin.  Don’t give into those cravings either, just flip to that section and read up!

Gluten-ury Century

I can’t think of a nicer way to walk in the door from work and the aroma of a crock pot meal not only filling the house, but it’s healthy and ready to eat!  This kitchen gem is filled with 6 hour and 8 hour cook plans for the crock, so weekend or not, you can find something in Judith Finlayson’s “The Healthy Slow Cooker” second edition. 

It’s packed with easy to read and follow recipes, color images, detailed descriptions and an added plus are “Mindful Morsels” which are some suggestions of what to add.  There’s also over 135 Gluten-Free recipes and then some recipes that have a Vegan Alternative.  Just flip through, pick something and you’ll enjoy creating your healthy meal and find yourself learning about what you are eating in the Natural Wonders section.

Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.