What do you know about taking care of your most precious asset—your eyes? Dietary Supplement News said it has an insightful way to find out your “Eye Q.”
Did you know age- related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness for people over 55, affecting between 25-30 million people worldwide?
Epidemiological studies show people with diets rich in lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids have lower risks of developing AMD.
Dr. Eli Fischer(www.dr-fischer.com), an eye care world authority and developer of countless eyesight protection products, has created the world’s first Eye Q Test.

“Because most people know more about dental than eye care, I created this test and it’s one of the reasons I wrote this book (http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/04304.htm),” he said.
So how many questions can you answer correctly? If more than eight, congratulations, you have a high Eye Q.
1. What is inflammation of the eyelids called?
A. Conjunctivitis
B. Dacryocystitis
C. Blepharitis
2. True/False: If conjunctivitis appears in newborn infants, treatment should be sought immediately as their vision could be at risk.
3. True/False: Dry eyes often accompany blepharitis.
4. True/False: You can catch a cold through your eyes.
5. True/False: There are three main layers that make the tear film: mucin, aqueous, and lipids.
6. Will your vision last for the rest of your life?
A. No
B. Yes, if treated
C. Maybe, if daily eye care is practiced
7. Daily use of eye care wipes…
A. Refreshes the eyes
B. Prevents debris from the eyelids to enter the eye
C. Cures eyelid diseases
D. Both A & B
E All of the above
8. Are there special eye care wipes for babies?
A. No
B. Yes
C. You should only use eye drops
D. One can use adult wipes
9. What is important when choosing eye care wipes?
A. Non- irritating to eyes (tearless)
B. Preservative free
C. Based on artificial tears (eye drops)
D. Clinically tested
E. All of the above
10. Preventive eye medicine
A. Should be practiced daily
B. Should be practiced weekly
C. Is important
D. Is not necessary
E. Both A & C
1: C 2: TRUE 3: TRUE 4: TRUE 5: TRUE 6: C 7: D 8: B 9: E 10: E