Your Body, Yoga-Body

In “The Yoga-Body Cleanse”, Robin Westen guides readers through a life-changing transition, eliminating the unhealthy choices many make on a daily basis.

The book begins with why “cleaning up your act” is necessary, and  what foods to avoid when cleansing your body. Ms. Westen also incorporates a survey into the book, allowing the reader to answer about fifty questions with Never, Occasionally and Frequently. At the end of the section, the reader tallies up their score and Westen provides them with an explanation of what their total means for their toxicity level.

The previous section builds up to the changing of the reader’s lifestyle which Westen begins with Ayurvedics. In short, these are principles that detox a person’s body and leave them feeling rejuvenated. She uses Ayurvedics along with the seven step program illustrated in the next chapter to prepare the reader for the “7-Day Yoga Body Cleanse”.

This “Cleanse” instructs the reader to diet intelligently, eating scrumptious foods with extremely beneficial vitamins and nutrients that strengthen the body and leave it satisfied. Using Yoga along with the dieting tools provided by Westen, the body will be relieved of toxins, endure less stress, and increase mental awareness and performance.

An excerpt from the book; “Partaking in the Yoga-Body Cleanse and renewing your precious self is not a one-time event….Once you’re aware of the toxicity and temptations, and you’ve gained the tools and commitment to change the way you live, a new and beautiful reality opens. Now you’re fully alive.” (Robin Westen)

written by Nicholas Messina

Desserts Cure Obesity: “Sweet Feast Forever”

In 2005 Dr. Robert Schwarazberg advised Chuck Weiss to lose some weight, and so Weiss began counting calories and getting on the scale every morning. His initial weight loss was a huge success, but Weiss found that after his big first loss, the lifestyle of maintaining his weight was actually harder than the original weight loss.

Unwilling to give up sweets, but still dedicated to maintaining his weight, he came up with a new diet concept. Weiss allowed himself to chew sweets, but this time around he wouldn’t swallow, he would spit them right back out.

The new spit-out weight loss regimen worked so well for him that he chose to share it with the world. “You Must Tongue it to believe it,” says Weiss. After his new found weight loss success, he created, which explains the medically approved program that has been successfully tested for more than eight years.

For more information on this unique diet, and its benefits visit


Just Add Trader Joe’s!

Sometimes getting your diet on track can lead you to some interesting methods.

Start off with a little pep talk, add a pinch of motivation and education then throw in some goals and include some of the recipe’s in “Livin’ Lean with Trader Joe’s®” and you could be off to a great start.  You can certainly keep it going with over 150 pages of breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas.  From a slow cooker to a quick wrap, Jamie Davidson, M.S. has compiled recipes to share, that can show you how to deliciously reduce fat and calories…and we’re talkin’ Butternut Squash & Peanut Butter Soup!

Could this be your 2014 Diet Jambalaya resolution?

Consume Alomune

Alomune is a preventive in strengthening the immune system to maintain an active lifestyle.  It’s also an excellent source of dietary fiber.  Tasty berry flavors in stick packets or chocolate flavor chewable tablets.  Antioxidant activity similar to that of pomegranates (as measured by Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) per 100g) is also found in Alomune.

Activate your body’s defenses with Alomune and their slogan is:

The Care You Take Everyday!”

Stress Tips & Lists

According to Kathy Gruver, PhD, health and wellness expert and award-winning author of The Alternative Medicine Cabinet, stress will always be a part of life. But we can control how we react to stress.

In her new book, Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques, Gruver explains the stress response, its history, and how it affects us today. She gives practical tips for decreasing the body’s reaction to stress and how using simple mind/body techniques can increase health by lessening tension.

Dr. Gruver offers a treasure trove of easy methods readers can do at home, in her down-to-earth style.  She demystifies the multitude of available professional therapies that you can incorporate into your life.

Fun, fit, and quick-witted, Gruver tells it like it is, in her balanced approach to combining Western and Alternative views. The book is liberally sprinkled with examples from Kathy’s own life, expert friends’ stories, and from her clients’ experiences.

Topics include: Creative Visualization/Guided Imagery … Warning Signs of Stress: Physical, Behavioral, Emotional, Cognitive … BioDots … Affirmations …  Meditation and Mindfulness … Herbs … Pain management … the “How to Stay Sick” list … the “How to Stay Healthy” list, and more – all offered with both scientific and anecdotal information, in Dr. Gruver’s down-to-earth style.

Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM

Author of the new books Conquer your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques and Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker

Host of the National TV Series, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet on OTV.
Author of The Alternative Medicine Cabinet, WINNER of the Beverly Hills Book Awards

Natural Health Speaker, Author, Educator and Practitioner
Inspiring you to have better health; Body, Mind and Spirit
Twitter: @klgruver


Skinny Trim

Slip into those old skinny jeans with a little help from Water Trim. Water Trim uses plant-based ingredients to support a healthy fluid balance for your body. This may be just the support you need to get those jeans on – in a snap!

Water Trim is provided to you by Pure Health. They are a great company that never adds any harmful or unnecessary binders, fillers, excipients, preservatives, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, stimulants or other unnecessary ingredients. They always use vegetarian capsules to support the absorption of nutrients in their products.

People everywhere are experiencing the amazing effects of Water Trim!  And those skinny jeans again…

Written By: Daniel Guethon

Line up for the tabs!

Who doesn’t love sneaking in a little ‘junk food’ every once and a while? Unfortunately ‘junk food’ does not like us as much as we like it. But, with lineatabs you no longer have to take extreme measures to trim off your guilty pleasures! Lineatabs is an exclusive state of the art dietary supplement that is refreshing, light, healthy and best of all, sugar free!

Occasionally, we eat the foods that might not be the best for us and we try to avoid the fact that comfort food is a ‘in the moment delight’ that can have some not so great bodily effects. No more “ uh, the food made me eat it” moments! Time to enjoy what you want to eat, when you want to eat it, without having to constantly worry about gaining more weight. Lineatabs® is not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise, but it can sure make your life much less complicated while being incorporated into your healthy lifestyle!

Written by: Daniel Guethon

Dr Knows Best!

DrVita Six Daily Advanced Multi-Vitamin provides your body with over 100 essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fermented whole foods, herbs and other powerful nutrients to promote anti-aging, healthy energy production, good cardiovascular and immunity. These nutrients include effective dosages of alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, B-complex and CoQ10 for healthy energy production, standardized green tea equivalent to five cups of tea to protect cells from damaging free radicals and resveratrol found in red wine that are missing entirely in most multi formulations.

Six Daily also contains 10X higher levels of vitamin D3 when compared to others based on recent studies showing this is the amount required for optimal blood levels to promote healthy bones, cellular health and immunity.

A Chia Moment!

With all America’s health rate decreasing, everybody is searching for the latest and greatest health supplements to keep them going. There is no greater supplement on the market right now better than Chia Omega Supplements! The formulas are all vegan friendly, they never leave a fishy aftertaste, and are all produced with the infusion of the infamous Chia seed. Chia seeds are an amazing source of energy, protein, and amino acids. There is much history found behind these revolutionary seeds. These revolutionary seeds are the world’s richest natural source of Omega-3 and they contain more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other known natural source on the planet. Also, Chia has more protein than flax, wheat, rice, corn, barley, or oats.

This unprecedented line of health products stands out by combining Chia Seed Oil with synergistic ingredients to help meet specific health goals. With modern supplements like Chia Omega® + CoQ10 which is found in all human cells, you can help keep your cardiovascular health right on the money! Chia Omega® +D3 helps promote balanced mood, bone health, and a healthy immune system. Chia Omega® + Enzymes is an amazing product in itself that supports healthy digestion of dietary fats. Chia Omega® + EPA & DHA can be the key you have been looking for to help with everyday cognition and clear vision! With all these great benefits, can you really refuse to pass up an opportunity to perform at the peak of your abilities while getting and staying healthy?

Written by: Daniel Guethon

Coconut Cares

With various wonders from our earth being dubbed and stamped with the title of “super food” every year, it’s likely you haven’t gotten around to this one yet. With too many benefits to name, Coconut oil is a great addition to this list. Its unique blend of fatty acids can have real positive effects on your overall health. Among the benefits, weight loss, better brain function, and protecting your hair and nails.

The Carrington Farms Coconut Oil is a pure, unrefined, and cold pressed coconut oil that omits a lovely perfume of the fruit before even opening the container. The 12 oz organic extra virgin coconut oil is housed in a perfectly sized plastic, it’s easy to store just about anywhere. It worked well with food, and just the same moisturized skin, and hair. I’d highly recommend this product as an addition to your grocery list – it’s a product helping you find beauty inside and out.

Find out more information here:

Dietary Supplement News (DSN) is an online publication featuring topics and in-depth feature articles and reviews in a particular subject area of the dietary supplement, beauty, health and wellness industry.